The Hans Giegengack ‘major’ Lineage

This branch goes back to the year 1600. Descendants of Hans Giegengack major, who lived in Kleinschmalkalden in Thüringen, still live in Germany and in the USA. The family members in the USA all stem from Johann Martin Giegengack (1825 - 1899). The addition 'major' means: the older or the taller.

The church books (confirmation, marriage, death) in Kleinschmalkalden start from the year 1626, the christening registration from 1640. The name Giegengack can be found frequently, although written in different ways: Giegengack (Hans in 1626), Gigengack (Hans in 1669) and Gigengag or Gigengagk too.
Often we find dialect mutilations of the Christian names like Niklas or Nickel instead of Nikolaus, changes of t and th, g and k, c and k etc.
<I> <VIII>

I. Hans GIEGENGACK ‘major’
Hans Giegengack (also refered to as Hans major and as Hanns Gigengagk) was born around 1600. Confirmation in Kleinschmalkalden, Thüringen, Germany on 6 July 1609 (?). He died in Kleinschmalkalden on 7 July 1669.
He is mentioned to be a churchwarden [Kirchenältester - ouderling].
Profession: Tradesman [Handelsmann - handelaar]. In Heimatblätter 16, December 2012, p. 2. Hans Giegengack is mentioned to be one of the very few tradesman with a back carrier [Reffträger oder Rückentrage]. <XXXV>

Hans Giegengack was married in Kleinschmalkalden on 9 October 1626 to Anna MÖLLER. She was born ..., she died in Kleinschmalkalden on 22 March 1667 (marked as ux Hans). <I> <VIII> <XXV>

Marriage record, 9 October 1626. Original text: Hanß Giegengack, Anna, Frantz Möllers filia, 9. Oct. (Explanation: 'filia' = daughter.)
Source: Kirchenbuch Kleinschmalkalden 1626-1719, page 69. Picture made available by Rick Elgin, Memphis, TN, USA.

Four children:
1. Jacob GIEGENGACK, see below: II.1.
2. Hanns GIEGENGACK, see below: II.2.
3. Peter or Petter GIEGENGACK, see below: II.3.
4. Bastian GIEGENGACK, see below: II.4.
Probably Hans Giegengack also had a daughter Catharina. We have information about a marriage in Kleinschmalkalden on 29 January 1655 between Hans SCHWARZKOPF, son of Ulrich Schwarzkopf from Brodrodt (Brotterode) and Catharina GIEGENGACK, daughter of Hans Giegengack. <XXV>
He died as a child in ... on ..., buried Kleinschmalkalden 22 October 1635. <XXV>
Born in ... on ... about 1625. Confirmation in Kleinschmalkalden at Eastern [Ostern, Pasen] in 1639. (Original text: Parasceve Paschatis Ao. 39, Hanns, Hanssen Giegengagks majoris Sohn.) <VIII> <XXV>
  II.3 Peter or Petter (Stahl-Peter) GIGENGACK, later GIEGENGACK
Born in Kleinschmalkalden on ... about 1627/1628. Confirmation in Kleinschmalkalden at Pentecost [Pfingsten, Pinksteren] in 1642. He died in Kleinschmalkalden on 9 June 1695.

Confirmation record, Pentecost 1642. Original text: Petter Hannssen Giegengagks majoris Sohn.
Source: Kirchenbuch Kleinschmalkalden 1626-1719, page 175.
Picture made available by Rick Elgin, Memphis, TN, USA.

Profession: ironwork merchant [Eisenwarenhändler - ijzerwarenhandelaar]. He was foreman [Vorsteher] of the town in 1666 and 1667, together with Hannß DELLITH and later Caspar FUCHS. Head [Schulzheiß] of the town at that time were Werner LIPP and later Lorentz KÖNIG. In 1676 and 1677 Peter Gk. was foreman again. In 1656 Peter Giegengack bought 30 fir tree trunks [Tannenstämme] for his house construction. Total costs 3 fl.
Address: Brotteroder Str. 8. Another nice detail is that Peter Giegengack and the Schulzheiß were in Brotterode on wolf hunting on Sept. 18th 1666. (Sources: Heimatblätter 13, March 2012, p. 19.; Heimatblätter 15, October 2012, p. 13.; Heimatblätter 16, December 2012, p. 4.) <XXXV>
He was married in Kleinschmalkalden on 5 June 1654 to Margreth FUCHS. She was born ..., she died in Kleinschmalkalden on 7 October 1691 as Margreta ux Peter.
(Margreth and Margreta are dialect mutations of Margaretha; Petter dialect mutation of Peter.) <I> <VIII> <XXV>
Six children:
1. Margreth GIEGENGACK, see below: III.1.
2. Hans Merthen GIEGENGACK, see below: III.2.
3. Hans Caspar GIEGENGACK, see below: III.3.
4. Nikolaus (Niklas, Nickel) GIEGENGACK, see below: III.4.
5. Ursula GIEGENGACK, see below: III.5.
6. Kunigunda GIEGENGACK, see below: III.6.
    III.1 Margreth GIEGENGACK
Born in Kleinschmalkalden on ... 1655, baptized in Kleinschmalkalden on 23 May 1655. Godmother [Gevatterin - peettante] was Margreth, daughter [Seel. Tochter] of Hanßen KÜHN.
She died Kleinschmalkalden 9 May 1717. <XXV>
Margreth Giegengack was married in Kleinschmalkalden on 19 April 1676 to Jacob PETER [Junggesell], son of Jacob (Stahl-Jacob) PETER from Seligenthal. (Seligenthal is about 5 km south of Kleinschmalkalden.) <VIII> <XXV>
    III.2 Hans Merthen GIEGENGACK
Born in Kleinschmalkalden on ... 1656, baptized in Kleinschmalkalden on 26 September 1656. Godfather [Gevatter - peetoom] is Merten, son of Bastian KOST. He died as a child in Kleinschmalkalden on 4 January 1657. <VIII> <XXV>
    III.3 Hans Caspar GI(E)GENGACK
Born in ... on ..., baptized in Kleinschmalkalden on 21 February 1658. Godfather [Gevatter] is Hans, son of Caspar VIETSCHEN. <XXV>
    III.4 Nikolaus (also Niklas, Nickel, Nicolaus) GIEGENGACK
Born in ... on ..., baptized in Kleinschmalkalden on 20 April 1659, Godfather [Gevatter] was Niclas FUNCK. <XXV>. He died in Kleinschmalkalden on 25 January 1728.
Profession: steal merchant [Stahlhändler - staalhandelaar].
Address: Marktplatz 1. (Source: Heimatblätter 16, December 2012, p. 4.) <XXXV>
He was married in Kleinschmalkalden on 9 May 1683 to Anna Katharina MÜLLER, daughter of Hans MÜLLER, butcher and local ... [Metzgers, Fleischhauers und gemeinen Wirths alhier]. She was born ..., she died in Kleinschmalkalden on 21 February 1732. <I> <VIII> (Anna Katharina was godmother of Anna Katharina Giegengack, daughter of Jacob Giegengack.)
1. Anna Elisabetha GIEGENGACK, see below: IV.1.
2. Margretha Elisabeth GIEGENGACK, see below: IV.2.
3. Johannes GIEGENGACK, see below: IV.3.
4. Johann Georg GIEGENGACK, see below: IV.4.
5. Johannes Peter (Hans Peter) GIEGENGACK, see below: IV.5.
6. Eva Catharina GIEGENGACK, see below: IV.6.
7. Anna Margretha GIEGENGACK, see below: IV.7.
8. Katharina Elisabeth GIEGENGACK, see below: IV.8.
      IV.1 Anna Elisabetha GIEGENGACK
Born in Kleinschmalkalden on 16 August 1684, baptized in Kleinschmalkalden on 16 August 1684. Godmother [Gevatterin] was Anna Elisabetha, daughter of Hanss STUBENRAUCH.
She died in Kleinschmalkalden on 7 December 1746.
She was married in Kleinschmalkalden on 2 December 1714 to H. Joh. David WIRSING, teacher and organist [Schulmeister und Org.], widower. <VIII> <XXV>
      IV.2 Margretha Elisabeth GIEGENGACK
Born in Kleinschmalkalden on ..., baptized in Kleinschmalkalden on 13 September 1685. Godmother [Gevatterin] was Margretha, wife of Hans HUBES. <XXV>
She died as a child in Kleinschmalkalden on 6 November 1688.
      IV.3 Johannes GIEGENGACK
Born in ... on ..., baptized in Kleinschmalkalden on 5 November 1687, godfather [Gevatter] was Johannes MÜLLER (bachelor [Junggesell]). <XXV> He died in Kleinschmalkalden on 17 October 1754.
He was married in Kleinschmalkalden on 8 August 1714 to Osanna ROMMEL. She was born in Kleinschmalkalden on 16 October 1689, daughter of Andr. ROMMEL. She died in Kleinschmalkalden on 7 December 1761. <I> <VIII> <XXV>
Two children:
        V.1 Johann Heinrich GIEGENGACK
He was born in Kleinschmalkalden on ... 1715. Baptized 31 August 1715. Godfather [Gevatter] Henrich D?, ... [gewesener Reuter unter dem Löbl. Boijzeburgischen? Rgmt.]. <XXV>
He died as a child in Kleinschmalkalden on 1 December 1717. <VIII> <XXV>
        V.2 Polidey (Hippolytus) GIEGENGACK
Born in ... on ..., baptized in Kleinschmalkalden on 1 January 1718, Godfather [Gevatter] Polidey ASCHENBACH. <XXV>
He died in Kleinschmalkalden on 1 January 1771, he was buried in Kleinschmalkalden on 3 January 1771.
Profession: basket maker [Füllvaßmacher = Korbmacher - mandenmaker]. <XXV>
Married in Kleinschmalkalden on 28 January 1739 to Anna Elise BURCKHARDT. <I>
Six children from this marriage:
          VI.1 Anne Elizabeth GIEGENGACK
She was born in ... on ..., baptized Kleinschmalkalden 8 August 1739. <XII> <XIV>
          VI.2 Johann Andreas GIEGENGACK
He was born in ... on ..., baptized Kleinschmalkalden 3 August 1744, he died in Kleinschmalkalden on 9 December 1744. <XIV> <XXV>
          VI.3 Anna Katherine GIEGENGACK
She was born in ... on ..., baptized Kleinschmalkalden 27 July 1746. Godmother [Gevatterin] was Anna Catharina BURCKHART (original text: Gev. ihre Schwester A. Cath. Burckhartin, weyl. Mstr. Hanß Casp. Weißendorffs hinterbl. Rel.) <XII> <XIV> <XXV>
          VI.4 Johan Kaspar GIEGENGACK
Born in ... on ..., baptized in Kleinschmalkalden on 9 April 1749, Godfather [Gevatter] Johann Caspar MÜLLER Jgs. He died in Kleinschmalkalden on 25 April 1791 (?).
Married in ... on ... to Margrethe Elisabeth MÖLLER. <I>
            VII.1 Heinrich GIEGENGACK
Born in Kleinschmalkalden on 26 May 1783, baptized in Kl. on 26 May 1783, died in Kleinschmalkalden on 17 December 1847, buried Kl. 20 December 1847. <XXV>
Profession: basket weaver [Korbmacher - mandenmaker].
Address: Hinter dem Wirtshause.
He was married in Kleinschmalkalden on 28 June 1807 to Eva Margrethe KÖNING (or KÖNIG). <I>
Two children from this marriage:


Born in Kleinschmalkalden 23 August 1812, baptized Kleinschmalkalden 26 August 1812, he died in ... on ... .
He married in Kleinschmalkalden on 14 April 1841 to Johanna Karoline Auguste SCHMIDT. <I>


Born in Kleinschmalkalden on 30 August 1819, baptized Kleinschmalkalden 5 September 1819, died Kleinschmalkalden 28 October 1888.
Profession: basket weaver [Korbmacher].
Address: Ebersbach Haus Nr. 102.
He was married in Kleinschmalkalden on 26 November 1848 to Anna Marie WAGNER. <I>
Two children:


IX.1 Dorothea Christiane GIEGENGACK
She was born in Kleinschmalkalden on 28 April 1849, she died as a child in Kleinschmalkalden on 8 November 1852, buried Kl. 10 November 1852. <I> <XXV>


Born in Kleinschmalkalden on 15 July 1858, baptized Kleinschmalkalden 8 August 1858. <I>
            VII.2 Johann Peter GIEGENGACK
Born in ... on... 1789, baptized in ... on ..., died as a child in Kleinschmalkalden on 28 December 1791, buried Kleinschmalkalden 29 December 1791.
(Original text: Johann Peter - weiland Caspar Giegengack, Hippolitus Sohns, Söhnl. † d. 28. Dec. früh 6 Uhr und den 29. Dec. Abends in aller Stille begraben. Alt: 2,5 Jahr. Morbus: Auszehrung.)
          VI.5 Johannes GIEGENGACK
He was born in ... on ..., baptized Kleinschmalkalden 28 March 1751. Godfather [Gevatter] was Johannes REHDANTZ, son of Martin REHDANTZ. (Original text: Gev. Johs. Rehdantz Martins Sohn ein Musquetier.) <XXV>
          VI.6 Maria Elisabetha GIEGENGACK
She was born in ... on ..., baptized Kleinschmalkalden 1 August 1754. Godmother [Gevatterin] was Maria Elisabetha, wife of Andreas ROBUßSEN (original text: Gev. Maria Elisabetha Andreas Robußsen uxor privat.) <XII> <XIV> <XXV>

      Fourth child of Nikolaus Giegengack (baptized in Kleinschmalkalden 20 April 1659) and Anna Kath. Müller:
      IV.4 Johann Georg GIEGENGACK
Born in ... on ..., baptized in Kleinschmalkalden on 27 November 1690, godfather [Gevatter] was Georg MÜLLER, ... [Huffschmidt]. <XXV>
Johann Georg died in Kleinschmalkalden on ... 1770.
He was married in Kleinschmalkalden 1736 to Anna Christina ... . <VIII>
Married 2) (?) to Barbara HOFMAN? <XXV> She was born 17 August 1710, she died Kleinschmalkalden 12 December 1796. (Orig. text about the death of Barbara Giegengack: Barbara, Georg Giegengacks Rel. † den 12. Dec. früh 1 Uhr und den 14. Dec. still begraben. Alt: 86 Jahr - den 17. Aug. 1710 gebohren. Morbus: blos das Alter.) <XXV>
Three children from this marriage:
        V.1 Anna Christiane GIEGENGACK
She was born in Kleinschmalkalden on ... 1740, she died ... . <VIII>
On 15 March 1744 died in Kleinschmalkalden: A. Christina, daughter of Joh. Georg Giegengack. <XXV> (original text: nach den Blattern)
        V.2 Johann Heinrich GIEGENGACK
He was born in Kleinschmalkalden on ... 1740, he died in Kleinschmalkalden on ... 1749. <VIII>
        V.3 Rebecca GIEGENGACK
She was born in Kleinschmalkalden, baptized in Kleinschmalkalden on 22 February 1750, godmother [gevatterin] was Rebeca REHM, wife of Adam Georg ASCHENBACH. She died as a child in Kleinschmalkalden on 5 May 1751. <VIII> <XXV>

      Fifth child of Nikolaus Giegengack (baptized in Kleinschmalkalden 20 April 1659) and Anna Kath. Müller:
      IV.5 Johannes Peter (Hans Peter) GIEGENGACK
Born in ... on ..., baptized in Kleinschmalkalden on 17 October 1693, godfather [Gevatter] was Peter GIEGENGACK pater ... (?). <XXV>
Hans Peter died in Kleinschmalkalden on 31 December 1757. (Original text: Hß. Peter Giegengack in der Stille d. 31t. Xbr. 1757.) <XXV>
He married in Kleinschmalkalden on 4 November 1723 to Gertraud ROMMEL. She was born in ... on 3 October 1690, she died in Kleinschmalkalden on 5 May 1756. <I> <VIII> <XXV>
Three children:
1. Johannes GIEGENGACK, see below: V.1.
2. Hippolytus [Polidey] GIEGENGACK, see below: V.2.
3. Anna Catharina GIEGENGACK, see below: V.3.
        V.1 Johannes GIEGENGACK
Born in ... on ..., baptized in Kleinschmalkalden on 8 March 1724, godfather [Gevatter] was J.G. ROMMEL ('fil. Polidey'). <I> <XXV>
        V.2 Hippolytus (Polidey) GIEGENGACK
Born in ... on ..., baptized in Kleinschmalkalden on 12 May 1726, godfather [Gevatter] was Polidey GIEGENGACK. (Original text: Gev.: Polidey filioly Joh. Giegengack vice Andreas FAUST.) He died before his second wife died in Dec. 1819.
Profession: day-labourer [Taglöhner]. <XXV>
Married 1) in ... on 9 April 1749 to Katharine Margrete ISSLEUBER. She was born ... on 3 September 1723, daughter of David ISSLEUBER. <XXV> She died in ... on 3 March 1777.
Married 2) in Kleinschmalkalden on 20 April 1778 to Eva Margarethe HELBICH. She was born on 4 December 1753. <I> She died Kleinschmalkalden 11 December 1819, 66 years old. Buried Kleinschmalkalden 13 December 1819. <XXV>
Five children:
1. From the first marriage: Johan Jakob GIEGENGACK, see below: VI.1
2. From the first marriage: Johannes GIEGENGACK, see below: VI.2
3. From the first marriage: Maria Elisabetha GIEGENGACK, see below: VI.3
4. From the second marriage: Valentin GIEGENGACK, see below: VI.4
5. From the second marriage: Johann Christoph GIEGENGACK, see below: VI.5
          VI.1 Johan Jakob GIEGENGACK
Born ... , baptized in Kleinschmalkalden on 8 June 1751, godfather [gevatter] was Jacob SELTENREICH, ... [Köhler]. He died in ... on 23 October 1834. <XXV>
Married in ... on 18 February 1779 to Anna Christine DIETZ. <I>
One child:
            VII.1 Christoph GIEGENGACK
Born in Kleinschmalkalden on 18 September 1787, baptized Kleinschmalkalden 20 September 1787, he died Kleinschmalkalden 12 October 1826.
He married in Kleinschmalkalden on 22 February 1809 to Ottilie Margrehte SCHÜSSLER. <I>
          Second child of Hippolytus (Polidey) Giegengack, from his first marriage to Katharine Margrete Issleuber:

The Giegengack Memorial Stone from 1775 with the text:

H † G G
1775 2.J

The memorial stone is a tribute to Johannes Giegengack who was killed by a falling tree, on the 2nd of June 1775, while he was working in the woods with his father Hipolytus Giegengack.

He was born in ... on ..., baptized Kleinschmalkalden 19 December 1756. Godfather [Gevatter] was Johannes MERCKEL, ... [Handelsmann.]
He died in Kleinschmalkalden on 2 June 1775. <XXV>

In the churchbook of Kleinschmalkalden this text was found: 'Johannes Giegengack, als Hipolytus Giegengacks Taglöhner 2ten Sohn, begab sich mit seinem Vater den 2ten Juny an Hangendenweg ans Holzmachen; und hatte tags vorher einen Tannenstamm angeschnitten und stehen lassen, als er nun mit seinem Sohn einen liegenden zerschnitten, hat der Wind den stehenden umgeworfen, und benannten Sohn auf der Stelle den Kopf und die Beine beyde gänzl. zerschlagen, dass er folglich tod gewesen, ist von d. Herrn Land.'

In recent years the Memorial Stone from 1775 was found back in the woods close to Kleinschmalkalden. The Giegengack Stone reminds us of the tragic accident described above. Source: newspaper article in Freies Wort by Helmut Köllner. See the full newspaper article about the Giegengack Memorial Stone. (In German)
          Third child of Hippolytus (Polidey) Giegengack, from his first marriage to Katharine Margrete Issleuber:
          VI.3 Maria Elisabetha GIEGENGACK
Born in ... on ..., baptized in Kleinschmalkalden on 3 january 1764, godmother was Frau Maria Elisabetha DELLITH, wife of Melchior DELLITH.
She died in Kleinschmalkalden on 27 December 1767. (Original text: Hipolytus Giegengacks einziges Töchterlein, alt 4 Jahr, 6 days.) <XXV>
          Fourth child of Hippolytus (Polidey) Giegengack, from his second marriage to Eva Margarethe Helbich:
          VI.4 Valentin GIEGENGACK
Born in ... on ..., baptized in Kleinschmalkalden on 5 August 1788, he died in Kleinschmalkalden on 12 August 1858, he was buried in Kl. on 15 August 1858.
Profession: merchant, basket waver, day-labourer [Handelsmann, Korbmacher und Tagelöhner.] Valtin Giegengack is mentioned to be one of the basket tradesmen who use dogs to pull their wheelbarrow. (Heimatblätter 16, December 2012, p. 3.) <XXXV>
Address: Alte Gasse Haus Nr. 110.
Married 1) in Kleinschmalkalden on 4 February 1816 to Anna Elisabeth SCHELLENBERG. She died Kleinschmalkalden 9 January 1823, 28 years old, buried Kleinschmalkalden 12 January 1823.
Married 2) in ... on 5 February 1826 to Anna Katharine DÖRFLER. She was born in Meckbach in Kreis Hersfeld (50 km west of Kleinschmalkalden) on 5 January 1803, daughter of miller Heinrich DÖRFLER (zu Meckbach). Anna Katharina died in Kleinschmalkalden on 9 May 1855, she was buried Kl. 13 May 1855. <I> <XXV>

Six children:
Child from the first marriage:
1. Johann Friedrich GIEGENGACK, see below: VII.1.
Five children from the second marriage, to Anna Katharine Dörfler:
2. Johann Martin GIEGENGACK, see below: VII.2 (forefather of the USA Lineage).
3. Georg GIEGENGACK, see below: VII.3.
4. Johann David Christoph GIEGENGACK, see below: VII.4.
5. Johann Andreas GIEGENGACK, see below: VII.5.
6. Johann Karl GIEGENGACK, see below: VII.6.
            VII.1 Johann Friedrich GIEGENGACK
He was born in Kleinschmalkalden on 22 July 1816, he died in Antwerpen on 20 August 1849.
Profession: merchant [Handelsmann.]
Address: Alte Gasse.
He was married in Kleinschmalkalden on 13 August 1844 to Elise Margrethe SCHMEISSER. <I> <VIII>
Two children:


Born in Kleinschmalkalden on 11 August 1844, baptized in Kleinschmalkalden on 13 August 1844, he died as a child in Kleinschmalkalden on 23 November 1846, buried 26 November 1846. <I> <XXV>


Born in Kleinschmalkalden on 29 June 1847, baptized in Kleinschmalkalden on 4 July 1847. <I>

The eventful voyage of Konrad Giegengack (1863-1864)
Konrad Giegengack left his family and country in 1863, only 17 years old. As the youngest of a group of five young men from Kleinschmalkalden, he went on board of the ship Susanne Godeffroy, heading Australia! He was accompanied by Friedrich Dellit (farmer, 22 years), Christian Dellit (farmer, 24), Wilhelm Eisenacher (farmer, 21) and Christian Reich (farmer, 18), all from Kleinschmalkalden. Konrad is in the passenger list as Conrad Gugengack, farmer, 17 years old.

On the 22nd of September 1863 the ship departed from Hamburg. Two days later it passed Cuxhaven. For most of the passengers, if not for all, it was the last sighting of their homeland.
The voyage had some bad weather conditions. Heavy storms made it a rough trip through the Channel (between England and France). On its way to the Cape of Good Hope (South Africa) it sailed into seas with 'long ridges of water ran high and fast'. Although masts were damaged, nobody got hurt. Seven weeks later (which seems to be something of a record) the Susanne Godeffroy sailed in the Moreton Bay, Queensland, East-Australia, after having rounded Tasmania. On the 17th January 1864 the Susanne Godeffroy arrived in the city of Brisbane. During the dangerous trip one baby was born and eleven children and one adult died. (Source: Bethania Queensland Pioneer List and the Susanne Godeffroy Passenger List.)

We have no knowledge if Konrad has arrived in Australia in 1864. It is not clear what happened to him after he left his homeland. Hopefully we find further information about his life.

UPDATE (June 2012): In a document called Index to Registers of Immigrant Ships' Arrivals 1848-1912, from Queensland State Archives, it is mentioned that a Gugengack, Conrad, 17, arrived in IMM/112 on the 17th January 1864. Further research is needed to find out what happened to Conrad Giegengack.
The document revers to page 138 of microfilms Z1957 and M1696 (source:

Some of the families on the Susanne Godeffroy 1863-1864, are among the founders of the community of Bethania, Queensland, situated in the area that was called Kara Kara by the Aboriginal people. (The first of the original founding families came to the colony on the 5th August 1863.) Other passengers of the Susanne Godeffroy settled in the neighbouring communities of Logan/Albert district. The surnames of the five young men from Kleinschmalkalden are not among the twenty-two names of the families that founded Bethania.

The German settlers had left their homeland mainly for economical reasons. Germany during the second quarter of the nineteenth century was full of social, political and religious tensions brought about by a population explosion, the beginnings of industrialization, the emergence of new political ideas and religious conflicts.
The effects of over-population were disastrous. Second sons of farmers found only poorly paid occupations or no work at all, and so the social descent began. Emigration was the only alternative to shifting to the larger towns.
About that time the Queensland Government, through its agents, made it known in Germany that if folks emigrated to the colony, they would be given a free passage and then each family would receive a piece of land. <XXVII>

            Second child of Valentin Giegengack, from his marriage to Anna Katharine Dörfler:

Johann Martin Giegengack at the age of about 60 years.
Photo taken in New York City in about 1885. Picture made available by Lucie Giegengack Teegarden.

Johann Martin (Martin) GIEGENGACK
Forefather of the USA Lineage.
He was born in Kleinschmalkalden on 9 September 1825, he died in ... (USA) on 8 January 1899, buried Barberville Cemetery or Brookside Cemetery (?) in Poestenkill (Rensselaer county).

Profession: as a young man in Germany he worked as a basket weaver [Korbmacher], like his father.
Address: as a young married man in Germany he lived at the family house at Alte Gasse Haus. Nr. 110.

He was married 1) in Kleinschmalkalden on 5 July 1849 to Eva Margrethe ASCHENBACH. She was born in Kleinschmalkalden on 13 May 1829. According to the Marriage Certificate her parents are the farmworker Johann Valentin ASCHENBACH (deceased on 3 March 1849) and Anna Elisabeth nee MARTIN born 29 December 1790. ('Her mother was French and married a German soldier during a French-German war.')

Johann Martin Giegengack and Eva Margrethe Aschenbach emigrated to the USA. They departed Port of Bremen on ... and arrived in New York on 14 September 1872 with their eight children. Carlo Johnson discovered that it was the steamship 'Deutschland' that brought Martin Giegengack and his family to the United States.

Eva Margrethe Aschenbach died in New York on 16 october 1873, shortly after the emigration to the USA .

Johann Martin married 2) in Manhattan (USA) on ... 1874 to Augusta A. BERIGE (Augusta A. CHRIST, according to Brooklyn Genealogy Information Page). She was born in ... on 1 March 1833, she died in ... on 9 January 1899, one day after her husband (!). She was buried at Barberville cemetery (county of Rensselaer).
'Martin and Augusta settled in Poestenkill - up the hill and around the corner (right side of the road) from cemetary. House still standing. There he raised strawberries.' Source: Ruth Giegengack?

Johann Andreas Giegengack, the younger brother of Johann Martin, was the first Giegengack who immigrated to the USA. Andreas first appears in the New York City Directory in 1869, 3 years prior to the arrival of Johann Martin Giegengack and his wife, Eva Margrethe Aschenbach. See below: Johann Andreas Giegengack.
<I> <X> <XI> <XII> <XIII> <XV> <XXV>

  Steamship Deutschland
  Steamship Deutschland. Photo from Michael P. Palmer (
The ship Deutschland that brought Martin Giegengack and his family to the United States

The steamship Deutschland was built for Norddeutscher Lloyd by Caird & Co (yard #132), Greenock, Scotland, and was launched on 29 May 1866. 2,947 tons; 99,06 x 12,19 meters/325 x 40 ft (length x breadth); clipper bow, 1 funnel, 2 masts; iron construction, screw propulsion, single inverted engine (1800 psi), service speed 11 knots; accommodation for 60 passengers in 1st class, 120 in 2nd class, and 700 in steerage; crew of 105.

14 October 1866, maiden voyage, Bremen - Southampton - New York. 1869, king Wilhelm of Prussia, Bismarck, Field Marshal v. Moltke and Minister v. Roon, after all of whom later ships were named, breakfasted on board the DEUTSCHLAND in Bremerhaven. 18 January 1874, bound from Bremen and Southampton for New York, lost all propeller blades in lat 46 30 N, lon 41 17 W; towed to Southampton (arrived 27 January) by steamship BRAUNSCHWEIG; 8 February, resumed voyage to New York. 1874, given compound engine: 1500 hp, service speed 13 knots. 6 December 1875, bound from Bremen for Southampton and New York, in heavy storm and fog, driven off course by strong currents and stranded at 5 AM off Kentish Knock, in the estuary of the River Thames. Because of the severity of the storm, it was 24 hours before shore stations became aware of the wreck, and it took another 6 hours before the British paddle-wheel tug LIVERPOOL reached the site and rescued the 173 survivors; 157 others, including the captain, froze to death or drowned when the deck was flooded during high tide.

Detail from the log of the ship the 'Deutschland' with the names of Martin Giegengack, his wife Eva and their children, with their ages.
Picture made available by Nancy George McNabb.
Baptize document?

9 March 1834

June 1849
  Marriage certificate
July 1849
  Discharge from the Prussian Army
Click to see larger image   Click to see larger image   Click to see larger image   Click to see larger image
Family document
22 July 1872
Document of Dismissal
31 July 1872
Click to see larger image   Click to see larger image        
              Children of the first marriage of Johann Martin Giegengack to Eva Margrethe Aschenbach:
1. David Eduard GIEGENGACK, see below: VIII.1.
2. Christine Elise GIEGENGACK, see below: VIII.2.
3. Ernestine Wilhelmina GIEGENGACK, see below: VIII.3.
4. Johann Valentin GIEGENGACK, see below: VIII.4.
5. Katherine Pauline GIEGENGACK, see below: VIII.5.
6. Andreas Friedrich GIEGENGACK, see below: VIII.6.
7. Eva Elizabeth GIEGENGACK, see below: VIII.7.
8. Katharine Elise GIEGENGACK, see below: VIII.8.
9. Karl August Eduard GIEGENGACK, see below: VIII.9.
Children of the second marriage, to Augusta A. Berige:
10. Lena Louise GIEGENGACK, see below: VIII.10.
11. Charles GIEGENGACK, see below: VIII.11.


  Elizabeth Kalbert Giegengack
Photos made available by Nancy George McNabb.
  David Eduard Giegengack Sr.
David Eduard GIEGENGACK (sr.)
Born in Kleinschmalkalden on 31 July 1849, baptized Kleinschmalkalden 12 August 1849, died in East Schodack on 3 July 1915.

According to Helmut Giegengack: 'In our church in Kleinschmalkalden there was a memory plate for all men from Kleinschmalkalden that took part in the war against France (1870-1871). David Eduard Giegengack was mentioned here also.'

From another source (Ruth Giegengack?): 'David Edward jr. said his father got tired of so many wars in Germany and decided to come to this country about 1870. Worked for uncle in wine cellar in N.Y. Married Elizabeth Kalbert and moved to East Schodack to raise potatoes etc.'

He was married in New York 1874 to Teseva Elise KALBERT or Elizabeth (Elisa, Lizzie) KOLBERT. She was born in Romsthal, Hessen, Germany on 24 September 1853. She died in ... on ... 1911, buried Schodack Woodlawn Cemetery. <I> <II> <XI> <XII>
Eight children from this marriage:
1. Caroline GIEGENGACK, see below: IX.1.
2. Elizabeth (Elise) GIEGENGACK, see below: IX.2.
3. Augusta Amalia Wilhelmina (Molie) GIEGENGACK, see below: IX.3.
4. Oscar Emile (John) GIEGENGACK, see below: IX.4.
5. David Edward GIEGENGACK, see below: IX.5.
6. Daniel Merton GIEGENGACK, see below: IX.6.
7. Quirin R. GIEGENGACK, see below: IX.7.
8. Mary Josephine GIEGENGACK, see below: IX.8.
  Caroline (left) and Mollie Giegengack as young women. Photo made available by Nancy George McNabb.
Born in East Schodack, NY, on 11 August 1876, she was baptized in Greenbush (now East Greenbush) at the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church on 6 June 1892, she died in ... on 23 July 1958. Buried at the Woodlawn Cemetery in Schodack. <XI> <XII>
  Elizabeth Giegengack
Photo made available by Nancy George McNabb.
Elizabeth (Elise, Lizzie) GIEGENGACK
Born in ... on 17 January 1878, she was baptized in Greenbush at the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church on 10 March 1895, she died in ... on ... 1959, she was buried in Schodack at Woodlawn Cemetery.
She was married in Greenbush at the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church on 15 June 1898 to Oscar KEMP. He was born 16 January 1865, he died 11 December 1944. <XI> <XII>
                IX.3 Augusta Amalia Wilhelmina (Mollie, Minnie) GIEGENGACK
Born in East Schodack, NY, on 5 March 1879, she was baptized in Greenbush at the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church on 10 March 1895, she died in ... on 15 February 1911 only 31 years old, buried at the Reformed Church Cemetery, East Greenbush.
Partner is Louis WEIST, born in ..., Germany in 1871, he died in ... on ... 1940, he was buried Reformed Church, East Greenbush. <XI> <XII>
Two children from this marriage:
                  X.1 Louis F. WEIST jr., he was born ..., he died in ... on 13 February 1962. <XII> 'He was raised by Elizabeth Gk. when Mollie died of TB when Louis was a baby.'
                  X.2 Ruth WEIST, born in ... on 7 September 1902, she died in ... on 30 September 1902. <XII>
  Oscar Giegengack
Photo made available by Nancy George McNabb.
Oscar Emile (John) GIEGENGACK
Born in East Schodack on 5 August 1881, he died in ... on 5 June 1954. <XII>
  David Edward Giegengack as a young man in about 1897. Photo made available by Nancy George McNabb.
  Click to see this article.
He was born in East Schodack, NY on 22 August 1884, he died in Schenectady on 6 February 1970. He was buried in Schodack at the Mountain view Cemetery.
David Edward Giegengack married in Castleton-on-Hudson on 26 January 1909 to Trancy Anna DECKER. She was born Castleton-on-Hudson 5 October 1884, she died Schenectady, NY 23 May 1961, buried in Schodack, Mountain View Cemetery. <XI> <XII>

One daughter:
                    Ruth Giegengack, Nettie and Elizabeth Kalbert at East Greenbush.
Photo made available by Nancy George McNabb.
  Ruth Giegengack
Ruth Elizabeth GIEGENGACK
Ruth Giegengack is born in Schenectady, NY on 20 July 1917. She lived in Pittsfield, MA. She passed away, at the age of 100, on Nov. 15, 2017 at Berkshire Place, Pittsfield, MA.
Ruth was married in Schenectady, NY on 18 June 1938 to William Tindall GEORGE. He was born in Lake Placid, NY on 25 March 1911, he died in Scotia, NY on 25 May 2000. <XII>
See obituary for Ruth E. George.

One daughter:
  Nancy George McNabb
Nancy Decker GEORGE
She is born in ... on 11 September 1947. She married in Schenectady on 21 February 1976 to Alan Cameron (Al) McNABB. He was born in Detroit on September 13, 1931, son of ... (Duncan) McNABB and ... (Alexandrine) BRODHEAD. Al passed away in Pittsfield on February 13, 2020.
Nancy lives in Pittsfield, MA.
  Merton Giegengack
Photo made available by Nancy George McNabb.
Daniel Merton (Merton) GIEGENGACK
Born in East Schodack, NY on 1 September 1886, died in ... on 17 November 1964, he was buried in Schodack, Woodlawn Cemetery.
Married 1) in ... on ... to Ila SHAVER. She was born in ... on 30 September 1889, she died 29 August 1951, buried in Schodack, Woodlawn Cemetery.
Married 2) in ... on 16 February 1956 to Margaret WERKING. She was born in ... on ... . <XI> <XII>
  Quirin Giegengack
Photo made available by Nancy George McNabb.
Born in East Schodack, NY on 4 September 1888, died in ... on 26 February 1954, buried in Schodack, Woodlawn Cemetery.
He was married in ... on ... to Julia RATE. She was born Rensselaer County, NY on 6 December 1891. She died in Barre, VT on 14 December 1982, buried in Schodack, Woodlawn Cemetery. <XI> <XII>

One daughter:
                    Cousins Dorothy and Ruth Giegengack.   Photo made available by Nancy McNabb.
                  X.1 Dorothy Caroline GIEGENGACK
She is born in East Greenbush, NY on 16 June 1919, she died in Montpelier on 7 january 2003.
She married in East Schodack to Richard Tiffany BABCOCK. <XII> More about Dorothy Babcock Giegengack.
Three children:
                    XI.1 Barbara Claire BABCOCK
Born in ... on 29 March 1941. <XII>
                    XI.2 Laurence Ervin BABCOCK
Born in ... on 15 May 1944. <XII>
                    XI.3 Christina Martha BABCOCK
Born in ... on 29 December 1946. <XII>
  Mary Giegengack
Photo made available by Nancy George McNabb.
Mary Josephine GIEGENGACK
Born in East Schodack on 29 January 1891, she died in ... on 16 April 1941.
She married on 16 February 1916 to Charles F.W. HACKER. He was born 11 September 1891, he died 28 October 1960. <XII>
No children.

              Second child of Johann Martin Giegengack and his first wife Eva Margrethe ASCHENBACH:


Christine Elise GIEGENGACK
She was born in Kleinschmalkalden on 18 January 1851, she died ... .
She was married 1) in Manhattan, New York on ... 1874 to Conrad FLAXMEYER. He was born in Birkweiler, Pfalz, Germany.
Married 2) in ... on ... to Jacob STEVENS.
Christine Elise Giegengack Flaxmeyer and her granddaughter Gertrude Flaxmeyer. Gertrude was born 7 January 1913 and is the only child of Albert Flaxmeyer and Christina Effland. Picture made available by Carla Rubeck Johnson, a great-granddaughter of Christine Elise Giegengack.
                Children from the first marriage:
                IX.1 Ernest FLAXMEYER, born in New York on 2 September 1875, he died in New York on 10 September 1875. <XII>
                IX.2 Rudolph FLAXMEYER, born in New York on 30 July 1876, died in ... on ... . <XII>
                IX.3 Lena Christine Caroline FLAXMEYER, she was born in New York on 16 January 1878, she died in ... on 27 December 1882. <XII>
                IX.4 Anestina FLAXMEYER, born in New York on ... February 1880. She died as a child in New York City on ... . <XV>
Click to see this photo.
Elizabeth FLAXMEYER, she was born in ... on 31 October 1885, she died in a car accident in ... on ... 1935. <XII> She married John Basolt. They had an adopted daughter Lillian Basolt. See the full newspaper article about the car accident.
                IX.6 Mary FLAXMEYER. She was born in Poestenkill, Rensselaer Co., New York on 31 March 1887, she died in Averill Park, NY on 9 February 1965. She married to Charles Henry Rubeck about 1918. Their son Merton Rubeck is the father of Carla J. Rubeck Johnson. Carla provided important information about the USA-Giegengacks. <XII> <XV>
                IX.7 Edward FLAXMEYER, born in ... on 23 June 1888, died in Plainfield, Will Co., Illinois on 16 October 1950. <XII> <XV>
                IX.8 Albert FLAXMEYER, born in Sand Lake Farm on 13 February 1891, died in Sand Lake, Rensselaer Co., New York on 6 January 1970. <XII> <XV>


Child from the second marriage:
                IX.9 Sophie Margaret STEVENS, born in ... on 27 June 1895, died in Sand Lake, Rensselaer Co., New York on 30 March 1977. <XII>

              Third child of Johann Martin Giegengack and his first wife Eva Margrethe ASCHENBACH:


Ernestine Wilhelmina GIEGENGACK
Born in Kleinschmalkalden on 6 March 1856, died in ... on ... 1945.
She was married to Charles KNOLL. <XII>
Three children:
                IX.1 Hattie KNOLL, born in ... on ..., died in ... on ... . <XII>
                IX.2 Ernest KNOLL, born in ... on ..., died in ... on ... . <XII>
                IX.3 Alexander KNOLL, born in ... on ..., about 1879, died in ... on ... . <XV>

              Fourth child of Johann Martin Giegengack and his first wife Eva Margrethe ASCHENBACH:


Johann Valentin GIEGENGACK
Born in Kleinschmalkalden on 29 October 1857, baptized Kleinschmalkalden 8 November 1857, died in ... (USA) on ... 1937.
He married to Mary Elizabeth CARRINGTON. She was born in ... on ... 1857. <I> <XII>
Two children from this marriage:
                IX.1 Claude GIEGENGACK
Born ... . <XII>
  May Giegengack. Photo made available by Nancy George McNabb.
Born in ... on 21 May 1890.
She married in ... on ... to William Robert LIDDELL. He was born Gwelph, Ontario, Canada in 1888. He died in Monrovia, CA on 8 January 1965. <XII>
Two children:
                  X.1 Robert William LIDDELL. He was born in ... on 11 January 1914, he died in Vista, CA on 4 February 1996. <XII>
                  X.2 Bernice M. LIDDELL. Born in Omaha, NB on 10 April 1917, died in Inglewood, CA on 25 December 1972. <XII> <XV>

              Fifth child of Johann Martin Giegengack and his first wife Eva Margrethe ASCHENBACH:


Katherine Pauline GIEGENGACK
She was born in Kleinschmalkalden on 29 October 1857, she died in ... on .. September 1932.
She married in ... to ... Adolph BRAUCHLE. <XII>
Three children:
                IX.1 Joseph BRAUCHLE, he was born in ... on ... . <XII>
                IX.2 Adolph BRAUCHLE, he was born in ... on ... . <XII>
                IX.3 Lena BRAUCHLE, she was born in ... on ... . <XII>

              Sixth child of Johann Martin Giegengack and his first wife Eva Margrethe ASCHENBACH:


Andreas Friedrich GIEGENGACK
Born in Kleinschmalkalden on 15 November 1859, baptized Kleinschmalkalden 26 November 1859, died in Kleinschmalkalden on 27 November 1858. (According to the information we got Andreas Friedrich died in 1858. This must be a mistake, since he was born in 1859. We are looking for further information.) <I> <XII> <XXV>
According to information from the Kleinschmalkalden churchbooks Andreas Friedrich was the third son and seventh child of Johann Martin Giegengack. <XXV>

              Seventh child of Johann Martin Giegengack and his first wife Eva Margrethe ASCHENBACH:


Eva Elizabeth GIEGENGACK
Born in Kleinschmalkalden on 5 January 1861, died in ... on ... .
Married to John GRUNDER. He was born in ... on ... 1850. <XII>
                IX.1 Jacob GRUNDER, he was born in ... on ... . <XII>
                IX.2 Augustus GRUNDER, he was born in ... on 8 May 1884. <XII> <XV>

              Eighth child of Johann Martin Giegengack and his first wife Eva Margrethe ASCHENBACH:


Katharine Elise GIEGENGACK
Born in Kleinschmalkalden on 2 November 1862, died in ... on 16 July 1914.
Married to August KNOTE. <XII>
                IX.1 Augustus KNOTE, he was born in ... on ..., he died in ... on 11 July 1956.
                IX.2 Elizabeth KNOTE, she was born in ... on ..., died in ... on ... 1956.
                IX.3 Freda KNOTE, she was born in ... on ..., she died in ... on 18 December 1957.

              Ninth child of Johann Martin Giegengack and his first wife Eva Margrethe ASCHENBACH:


  Mary Fitzgerald as a young woman. Pictures made available by Lucie Giegengack Teegarden, USA.
  Karl August Eduard Giegengack at the age of about 24.
Karl August Eduard (Gus) GIEGENGACK
Born in Kleinschmalkalden on 1 August 1865, baptized Kleinschmalkalden 10 August 1865, died in Brooklyn, NY on 3 September 1917. He was buried at the Green-Wood Cemetery in Brooklyn on December 6, 1917.
Profession: photographer in the Yorkville German section of New York City.
He was married in Paulist Church, NY, NY on 5 June 1887 to Mary Catherine FITZGERALD. She was born in London, England on 6 January 1865, , daughter of Patrick FITZGERALD and ... . She died in ... on 14 October 1942. <I> <XII> <XVIII>

Nine children from this marriage:
  Jane Mary Giegengack
about 1920.
Born in New York, NY on 17 May 1888, she died in New Haven on 30 November 1971, at the age of 83 years.
She was married in ... on ... to Joseph M. HERBERGER. He was born in Baden Baden, Germany on 6 August 1889, he died in New Haven on 13 January 1957. <XII>
No children.
                IX.2 Augustus Edward (Gus) GIEGENGACK
Born in New York, NY on 19 April 1890, he died in Washington, DC on 21 June 1974 at the age of 84 years.
Profession: Gus Giegengack was United States Public Printer from 1932 till 1945 under the presidents Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Truman. See biography of Augustus E. Giegengack.
He married in Brooklyn on 11 August 1920 to Margaret Mary MORRISON. She was born in ... on 8 January 1884, she died in Washington, DC on 23 December 1969. <XII>

In 2022, Nancy McNabb wrote a beautiful article in The Berkshire Family Historian about the month long honeymoon of the couple, described as an ex-tensive motor trip which will take them to the Berkshires, White Mountains and the Adirondacks. They traveled in a wonderful car. You can read and download the article here.

One child from the marriage of Gus Giegengack and Margaret Morrison:
  Margaret Mary Giegengack
Photo made available by Nancy George McNabb.
Margaret Mary (Gig) GIEGENGACK
She was born in Brooklyn, NY on 25 May 1925, she died in ..., NJ on 27 November 2015.
Married in Washington, DC on 18 June 1949 to Robert William AYLING. He is born in ... on 22 September 1925. <XII>

Two children:
                    XI.1 Patricia M. AYLING, born in ... on 21 September 1955.
                    XI.2 Robert William AYLING, born in ... on 11 February 1959.
                IX.3 Theresa May GIEGENGACK
Born in Brooklyn, NY on 1 September 1893, died in ... on 25 February 1963.
She married in ... on 6 July 1932 to Ross GARTY. <XII>
                IX.4 Mary Mathilde GIEGENGACK
Born in New York, NY on 23 October 1897, she died in a traffic accident when she was hit by a trolley car in New York, NY on ... 1901. <XII>
                IX.5 Louis GIEGENGACK
He was born in ... on ... 1899, he died in ... on ... 1905. Louis was was buried in ... on the 9th of July 1905. <XII> <XXXII>
                IX.6 Hugh James GIEGENGACK
Born in Kings County, NY, USA on 23 June 1899, died in Bellevue Hosp., Manhattan, New York City, on 12 July 1948. <XII> He was mentioned to be a dancer in Vaudeville.
Hugh Giegengack is buried at the Long Island National Cemetery, which is located in Farmingdale, NY, on 15 July 1948.
Profession: Printer. He was a World War I veteran, Military Rank: Private First Class (PFC).
No children.
                IX.7 Hugh Wilson GIEGENGACK
Born in ... on ... 1901 or 1902, died in ... on ... 1905. He was buried at the Green-Wood Cemetery in Brooklyn on April 12, 1905. <XII> <XXXII>
                IX.8 Catherine Mary GIEGENGACK
She was born in ... on about ... 1902. Catherine died in ... on ... 1911 and she was buried at the Green-Wood Cemetery in Brooklyn on November 29, 1911. <XII> <XXXII>
                IX.9 Robert Francis (Bob) GIEGENGACK
He was born in Brooklyn, NY on 9 january 1907, he died in New Haven, CT on 25 May 1987.
He was married in Brooklyn, NY on 26 December 1935 to Lucie Gertrude DOWLING. She was born in the Bronx, NY on 8 October 1907, she died at the age of 97 in Brunswick, Maine on 27 September 2005.

  Bob Giegengack sr. and his wife Lucie Dowling meet with President Gerald Ford.
The photo was taken when President Ford visited the U.S. Olympic training camp at Lake Placid, NY, before the Montreal Olympics in 1976.

Photographer unknown.
Photo made available by Helmut Giegengack.

Robert F. Giegengack had an impressive career. He was Yale Track Coach from 1946 till 1975 and he was head coach of the US Olympic Track and field team in Tokyo in 1964.
In 1982 the Robert Giegengack Award was established. The award is presented annually to an individual 'who excels in contributing to the excellence and high standards of the sport'. See biography of Robert Francis (Bob) Giegengack.
Seven children from this marriage:
                  X.1 Lucie Therese GIEGENGACK
Born in Brooklyn, NY on 9 September 1937.
She was married in St. Aloysius, Livingston Manor, NY on 3 September 1960 to Gary Lynn TEEGARDEN. He was born in Kansas City, MO on 25 June 1937. <XII> <XVIII>
Six children:
                    XI.1 Kristin Marie (Kris) TEEGARDEN. She was born in Port Lyautey (now Kenitra), Morocco on 31 July 1961. She lives in San Francisco. <XII>
                    XI.2 Mary Catherine (Cath) TEEGARDEN. She was born in Port Lyautey (now Kenitra), Morocco on 8 December 1962. She lives in Brooklyn NY. <XII>
                    XI.3 Gregory Joseph (Greg) TEEGARDEN, born in Boston, MA on 22 September 1964. He lives in Pownal, Maine. <XII>
                    XI.4 Anne Elizabeth TEEGARDEN, born in Boston, MA on 4 January 1966. She lives in San Francisco. <XII>
                    XI.5 Ellen Maria TEEGARDEN, born in Boston, MA on 12 September 1967. She lives in Mystic, Connecticut. <XII>
                    XI.6 Susannah Jane TEEGARDEN, born in Boston, MA on 13 March 1971. She lives in Haverford, Pennsylvania. <XII>
                  X.2 Robert Francis GIEGENGACK jr.
Born in Brooklyn, NY on 27 November 1938. He died in ... on the 4th of June 2022.
Profession: professor emeritus of Earth and Environmental Science at the University of Pennsylvania.
He was married in ... on 14 May 1967 to Francesca R. MARSHALL. She was born in ... on 11 November 1938. <XII> <XVIII>
They have three children:
                    XI.1 Jonathan (Jon) GIEGENGACK
Born in Chester, PA, USA on 13 June 1971. <XII>
Married in ... on ... to ... (Jennifer) DAVIS. She was born in ... on 27th of March 1977.
  Jonathan Hamilton Giegengack
Jonathan Hamilton (Jonny) GIEGENGACK
He was born in Manchester, New Hampshire, USA on 23rd of November 2009.
                    XI.2 Matthew (Matt) GIEGENGACK
Born in Chester, PA on 22 March 1973.
He married in Houston, Texas, USA on the 4th of May 2002 to Claire CALVIN. <XII>
                      XII.1 Phineas Calvin GIEGENGACK
He was born in New York City on April 29 2003.
                      XII.2 Augustus McDermott GIEGENGACK
Born in Portland, Oregon on July 18 2005.
                      XII.3 Shurube (Ruby) GIEGENGACK
She was born in ... on October 20 2009.
                    XI.3 Catharine (Kate) Hae Kyung GIEGENGACK
She is born in Seoul, Korea on 19 July 1978. Kate was baptized Jung, Hae Kyung and joined the Giegengack family on January 9, 1980. <XII>
                  X.3 Mary Elizabeth GIEGENGACK
She is born in Brooklyn, NY on 26 November 1939.
She married in St. Andrews Church, Syracuse, NY on 7 August 1976 to John F. JURELLER. He is born in Springville, NY on 25 May 1934. <XII> <XVIII>
They have one child:
                    XI.1 Christina Lucie JURELLER, she was born in ... on 12 October 1979. <XII>
                  X.4 Richard Augustus GIEGENGACK
He was born in Brooklyn, NY on 7 February 1941, he died in Washington DC on January 11, 2007.
Richard Giegengack was an architect who designed several significant Washington area buildings, including Metropolitan Square on 15th Street in downtown Washington. See biography of Richard Augustus Giegengack.
                  X.5 Jane Marie GIEGENGACK
Born in Bronx, NY on 27 May 1942. She died at her home in Yonkers, NY on April 17 2008.
Profession: Middle School Principal, Head of the Language Department, Latin teacher. See biography of Jane Marie Giegengack White.
She was married in the Chapel at the College of New Rochelle, NY, 16 July 1972 to Robert John (Bob) WHITE. He was born in Bronx, NY, 6 August 1939.
They have three children:
                    XI.1 Elizabeth Anne (Liz) WHITE, born in New Rochelle, NY on 31 August 1973. She lives in New York, NY.
                    XI.2 David Claude WHITE, born in New Rochelle, NY on 31 August 1975. He lives in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
                    XI.3 Nancy Claire WHITE, born in New Rochelle, NY on 27 September 1979. She lives in Seattle, Washington.
  Edward Giegengack
Edward Thomas (Ed) GIEGENGACK
Born in Iowa City, Iowa on 17 September 1944.
He was married in Holy Family Church, Fairfield, Connecticut on 16 August 1980 to Teresa Marie (Terry) FLYNN. She was born in Bridgeport, CT on 17 December 1952, daughter of ... and ... . <XII> <XVIII>

Three children:
  Philip Giegengack
Philip William GIEGENGACK
Born in Bridgeport, CT on 9 October 1981. <XII>
He was married in ... on ... to Jennifer (Jen) BEVILAQUA. She was born in ... on June 18 1990, daughter of ... .
They live in Milford, CT.

                      XII.1 Preston William GIEGENGACK
He was born in ... on 13th of October 2018.
                      XII.2 Jonah Flynn GIEGENGACK
He was born in ... on ... 2020.
                    XI.2 Paul Francis GIEGENGACK
Born in Bridgeport, CT on 1 October 1984. <XII>
He is married in ... on ... to Katie MORSE, she was born in ... on ... .
One child:
                      XII.1 Logan Robert GIEGENGACK
He was born in Buffalo, NY, on the 17th January 2025.
                    XI.3 Daniel Flynn GIEGENGACK
Born in Bridgeport, CT on 15 January 1987. <XII>
                  X.7 Ann Christine (Chrissy) GIEGENGACK
She was born in New Haven, CT on 28 May 1948. She died at her home in Elbridge on April 15, 2010. <XII> <XVIII>

              Tenth child of Johann Martin Giegengack from his marriage to Augusta A. BERIGE:
  Lena Giegengack as a young woman. Photo made available by Nancy George McNabb.
Born in New York, NY on 20 August 1875, she died in ... on 27 August 1958. She is buried in Poestenkill, Brookside Cemetery.
She married in Wyantskill, NY on 3 September 1902 to George BASOLT. He is born in Burden Lake, NY on 4 January 1873, he died in ... on 3 January 1937. <XII>

Three children from this marriage:
                IX.1 Bertha BASOLT, born in Troy, NY on ... 1903, she died in ... on ... 1903. <XII>
                IX.2 Walter Edward BASOLT, born in Troy, NY on 14 March 1905, he died in Troy, NY on 25 February 1976. <XII>
                IX.3 Ella M. BASOLT, born in Troy, NY on 25 July 1910, died in Schenectady, NY on 7 May 1987. <XII>

              Eleventh child of Johann Martin Giegengack from his marriage to Augusta A. BERIGE:


Born in New York, NY on ... 1877, died in ... on 10 October 1918, buried in Poestenkill at the Brookside Cemetery. (Other source mentions a grave inscription at the Barberville Cemetery, on the road between Poestenkill & Barberville, Poestenkill Township, Rensselaer County, New York, saying: Brother. Charles GIEGENGACK, 1877-1918. Copied 20 May, 1922, by Milton Thomas & Charles Shepard.) <XI> <XII>

            Third child of Valentin Giegengack, from his second marriage to Anna Katharine Dörfler:
He was born in Kleinschmalkalden on 13 November 1827, he died in Griesenbocke Gemeinde Dahl on 15 June 1891.
Profession: basket weaver [Korbmacher].
Address: Alte Gasse Haus Nr. 110.
He was married in Kleinschmalkalden on 7 March 1850 to Anna Margrethe FUNK. <I>
One child:
              VIII.1 Andreas Christoph GIEGENGACK
Born in Kleinschmalkalden on 26 October 1853, baptized Kleinschmalkalden 6 November 1853, died as a child in Kleinschmalkalden on 18 December 1853, buried Kl. 21 December 1853. <I> <XXV>

            Fourth child of Valentin Giegengack, from his second marriage to Anna Katharine Dörfler:
Johann David Christoph GIEGENGACK
He was born in Kleinschmalkalden on 19 December 1831, he was baptized in Kleinschmalkalden on 26 December 1831. He died in ... on ... . <I>

            Fifth child of Valentin Giegengack, from his second marriage to Anna Katharine Dörfler:
Johann Andreas (Andreas, Andrew) GIEGENGACK
He was born in Kleinschmalkalden on 23 June 1834, baptized in Kleinschmalkalden on 29 June 1834, he died in ... on 29 July 1891.
He married 1) in ... on ... (in or before 1862) to Henrietta ... . She was born in ... on ... about 1832, she died in ... on ... . (Andreas was already married to Henrietta when they arrive in the US in 1862.)
Johann Andreas married 2) in Manhattan on ... 1883 to Karolina BAUM. She was born in ... on ... 1832, she died in ... on 12 November 1899.

Profession: merchant, when he came to the USA in 1862. Before that time they lived in Gena (?) or Jena. See detail of the ship log below.

Johann Andreas was the first Giegengack who immigrated to the USA. He arrived there on September 15 1862, ten years prior to the arrival of Johann Martin Giegengack and his wife, Eva Margrethe Aschenbach. His name then again appears in the New York City Directory in 1869.
Andreas is in the 1870 census with the spelling Andreas Giegengak. In that year he was still married to Henrietta. There were no children in the household. He was living on Avenue A (a German neighborhood).
Carla Johnson has tracked Andreas through the years in the New York City Directories and according to her it seems that he prospered to a great extent. 'He was involved in the retail furnishings, crockery, toys & china business. He also was listed as the proprietor of Giegengack & Company Carriages in 1878-1879.'
'This was in the City Directories for New York City for the years 1878-1879. His business address was 156 Seventh (Ave or doesn't say which.) In the City Directory for 1876-1877, his brother (our Johann Martin a.k.a. Martin Luther Giegengack) is living with him at 103 Avenue A. Andreas seems to have been 'a jack of all trades' as they say here in the States.'
Later on Carla Johnson went back to the archives, re-searched the census again and she notes that there were two (!) enumerations done in 1870; meaning that they did the census twice in New York City for some unknown reason that year. Carla writes to us: 'In the second enumeration we find Andreas as a plasterer, BUT, in the first enumeration he lists his occupation as 'house furnishings' and the value of his personal estate as $8000. Either the census taker made a mistake about his occupation, or Andreas went from being in the housewares business to being a plasterer and then back to the housewares business again. I think the entry as a plasterer is an error by the census taker. Now Erik, $8000 was a huge amount of money in 1870. I can't imagine how he could have amassed that kind of money. But, if he were as successful as it appears he was, I'm now thinking that perhaps he was a financial backer for the immigration of my great-great grandfather, Martin Giegengack. There were 10 in the family when they left Germany and passage for 10 people must have cost a fair amount of money.'
At the time of the 1880 census Andreas was retired from business and he employs German servants in his household.
'It is apparent from the information in the city directories for New York City and the federal census records, that Andreas came over first', so tells us Carla Johnson. Johann Martin, the older brother of Andreas, went to the USA some years later and is actually found living with Andreas in 1876-1877 in New York City.

We have no information about children of Johann Andreas Giegengack. Carla Johnson: 'Based on the census entries from 1870 and 1880, it's safe to say that he didn't have any children. At least not with this Henrietta. Even if he married her as early as, say 1855, if he had children, they would be living with him in 1870. I suppose if he remarried in 1883 he could have fathered a child, but unless this second wife were considerably younger than he, it's doubtful.'

Johann Andreas war der erste Giegengack, der in die USA einwanderte. Er kam dort am 15 September 1862 an, zehn Jahre vor der Ankunft von Johann Martin Giegengack und seine Frau, Eva Margrethe Aschenbach. Sein Name erscheint dann zum ersten Mal im New York City Directory in 1869.
Andreas ist in der Zählung von 1870 erwähnt mit der Rechtschreibung Andreas Giegengak. In diesem Jahr war er immer noch mit Henrietta verheiratet. Es gab keine Kinder im Haushalt. Er lebte auf Avenue A (eine deutsche Nachbarschaft).
Carla Johnson hat Andreas durch die Jahre in den New York City Directories aufgespürt und ihr scheint es, daß er sehr erfolgreich war. 'Er war tätig in die Ladeneinrichtung, Steingut, in die Spielwaren und in das Porzellanhandel. Auch wurde er als der Eigentümer Giegengack & Company Carriages (Transport) in 1878-1879 verzeichnet.'
'Dies war erwähnt in den City Directories für New York City für die Jahre 1878-1879. Seine Geschäftsadresse war 156 Seventh (Ave oder Street... es gebt nicht an welche.) Im City Directory für 1876-1877, sein Bruder (unser Johann Martin alias Martin Luther Giegengack) lebt mit ihm am 103 Avenue A. Andreas scheint 'mit allen Wassern gewaschen' gewesen zu sein, wie sie hier in den States sagen.'
Später ging Carla Johnson zurück zu den Archiven, erforschte der Census abermals und bemerkte, daß es zwei (!) Zählungen gab in 1870; das bedeutet daß sie in dem Jahr in New York City die Zählung zweimal taten, aus unbekanntem Grund. Carla schreibt uns: 'In die zweite Aufzählung finden wir Andreas als Stuckarbeiter, ABER, in der ersten Aufzählung, gebt er seine Beruf an als 'Hauseinrichtung' und der Wert seines persönlichen Vermögens als $8000. Entweder der Zählungabnehmer machte einen Fehler über seine Beruf, oder Andreas ging vom Sein Haushaltswarehandel zum Stuckarbeiter und dann zurück zu dem Haushaltswarehandel wieder. Ich denke die Eintragung als ein Stuckarbeiter ist ein Fehler von den Zählungabnehmer. Nun Erik, $8000 war eine sehr große Menge Geld in 1870. Ich kann mir nicht vorstellen wie er ein solches Kapital angesammelt haben könnte. Aber, wenn er so erfolgreich war, wie es erscheint, Ich denke jetzt, daß möglicherweise er ein finanzieller Helfer für die Immigration meines UrurGroßvaters Martin Giegengack war. Es gab 10 in der Familie als sie Deutschland verließen und Überfahrt für 10 Leute muß eine bedeutende Summe gekostet haben.'
Zu der Zeit der Zählung 1880 wurde Andreas vom Geschäft zurückgezogen und er beschäftigt deutsche Bedienstete in seinem Haushalt.
'Es ist offensichtlich aus den Informationen in den New York City Directories und die Bundeszählungaufzeichnungen, Andreas kam als erste hinüber', erklärt uns Carla Johnson. Johann Martin, der ältere Bruder von Andreas, ging in die USA einige Jahre später und lebte tatsächlich zusammen mit Andreas in 1876-1877 in New York City.

Wir haben keine Informationen über Kinder von Johann Andreas Giegengack. Carla Johnson: 'Basiert auf den Zählungeintragungen von 1870 und von 1880, darf man annehmen daß er kein Kinder hat. Sicherlich nicht mit diesem Henrietta. Selbst wenn er sie schon in 1855 geheiratetet hätte, wenn er Kinder hatte, würden sie mit ihm zusammen leben in 1870. Ich nehme an, wenn er in 1883 wieder geheiratet hätte, das er Vater eines Kindes gewesen sein könnte, aber, es sei denn diese zweite Frau wäre beträchtlich jünger als er, daß ist zweifelhaft.'

<I> <XII> <XV>
Detail from the log of the ship the ‘New York’ with the name of Johann Andreas (Andr.) Giegengack and his wife (we think Henrietta) (nrs. 35 and 36). Picture made available by Carla Johnson.

            Sixth child of Valentin Giegengack, from his second marriage to Anna Katharine Dörfler:
He was born in Kleinschmalkalden on 19 November 1838, baptized Kleinschmalkalden 25 November 1838, he died in Kleinschmalkalden on 17 July 1899.
Profession: ...
He was married in Kleinschmalkalden on 8 July 1866 to Eva Margrethe EISENACHER, she was born in Kleinschmalkalden on 30 May 1840, she died in Kleinschmalkalden on 31 May 1900. <I>
One child:
  Karoline Giegengack born Fuckel, wife of Karl Gustav Giegengack.
Photo made available by Helmut Giegengack
Karl Gustav Rudolf GIEGENGACK
He was born in Kleinschmalkalden on 24 December 1868, baptized Kleinschmalkalden 3 January 1869, he died in Kleinschmalkalden on 25 April 1926.
Profession: ... .
Married in Kleinschmalkalden on 28 May 1893 to Karoline Christine FUCKEL, she was born in Fambach on 15 April 1870, she died in Kleinschmalkalden on 15 ... 1959. <I>
Two children:
1. Ernst GIEGENGACK, see below: IX.1.
2. Emil GIEGENGACK, see below: IX.2.
  Ernst Giegengack
Photo made available by Helmut Giegengack
Ernst was born in ... on ...1894, he died in ... on ... 1942.
He was married in ... on ... to Irma ... . She was born in Kleinschmalkalden on 20 April 1899, she died in Kleinschmalkalden on 30 September 1979. <XII>
Three children from this marriage:
  Gertrud Giegengack
Photo from 21 March 2010 at a family visit to Kleinschmalkalden.
She was born in ... on 25 March 1920. She died in Breitungen on 11 December 2010.
Profession: teacher [Lehrerin - onderwijzeres].
Gertrud was married 1) in Wechmar on 6 February 1943 to Oskar Artur HERZ. He was born in Wechmar on 6 May 1917, he died (fallen in battle) in ... (Polen) on 22 May 1945.
She was married 2) in ... on ... to Hugo SCHÜSSLER. <XII>
Two children:
                    XI.1 Wolfgang HERZ, born in Kleinschmalkalden on 28 April 1943.
                    XI.2 Hilmar SCHÜSSLER, born in Kleinschmalkalden on 20 December 1951.
                  X.2 Herbert GIEGENGACK
Born in ... on 14 October 1921, he died in ... on ... 1997.
Married 1) in ...on ... to Thea HERBACH, born in Meiningen on 1 March 1931.
Married 2) in ... on ... to Ursula SCHOLZ. <XII>
Four children. Two children from the first marriage, to Thea HERBACH:
                    XI.1 Frank GIEGENGACK
Born in Meiningen on 11 March 1950. He lives in Meiningen.
Married in ... on ... to Helga VALENTIN. She was born in Meiningen 6 June 1950, she died in Meiningen on 23 July 1992.
Two children:
                      XII.1 Katrin GIEGENGACK
She was born in Meiningen on 10 June 1971. <XII>
                      XII.2 Andre GIEGENGACK
He was born in Meiningen on 20 October 1972. <XII>
                    XI.2 Hans Werner GIEGENGACK
Born in Meiningen on 27 May 1951.
Married in ... on ... to Johanna KÖNIG. <XII>
He lives in Meiningen.
Two daughters:
                      XII.1 Dana GIEGENGACK
She was born in Meiningen on 16 March 1976.
  Nicole Giegengack
Waiting for permission to use this photo.
She was born in Meiningen on 4 November 1986.
                    Two children from the second marriage of Herbert Giegengack, to Ursula Scholz:
                    XI.3 Stefan GIEGENGACK
Born in ... on 24 April 1952, he died in traffic accident in ... on 22 October 1987.
Profession: custumer service at Wartburg car factory in Eisenach [er arbeitete im Kundendienst von die Wartburg Werken in Eisenach].
He was married 1) in ... on ... to Heite KLEIN. She was born in ... on ... .
He was married 2) in Kleinschmalkalden on 26 July 1986 to Christel SIEDER. She was born in Wutha on 13 August 1950.
One child from the first marriage (Stefan Giegengack to Heite Klein):
                      XII.1 Andre WACHSMAN, he was born in ... on ... .
                    XI.4 Petra GIEGENGACK
She is born in ... on 11 August 1954.
Married in ... on ... to Helmut KNAPE. He was born in ... on ..., he died in ... on ... . <XII>
                      XII.1 Tobias KNAPE, born in ... on ... . <XII>
                      XII.2 Danny KNAPE, born in ... on 25 Febraury 1977. <XII>
  Kurt Giegengack
Photo made available by Helmut Giegengack
Kurt was born in ... on 28 July 1927, he was fallen in battle in ..., Belgium on 30 December 1944. He was only 17 years old. (Todes-/Vermisstendatum: 30.12.1944.) Kurt Giegengack ruht auf der Kriegsgräberstätte in Recogne-Bastogne (Belgien). Endgrablage: Block 10 Grab 188.
  Emil Giegengack
Photo made available by Helmut Giegengack
Augüst Adolf Emil (Emil) GIEGENGACK
Emil was born in Kleinschmalkalden on 30 March 1897, he died in ... on 16 March 1982.
Profession: ... [...]
He married in ... on 7 November 1931 to ... (Hilda) SCHMEIßER. She was born in Kleinschmalkalden on 20 August 1905, she died in Kleinschmalkalden on 13 December 1983. <XII>
Four children from this marriage:
                  X.1 ... (Johanna) GIEGENGACK
She was born in Kleinschmalkalden on 4 March 1933.
Married in ... on ... to Horst WEBER. <XII>
Two children:
                    XI.1 Susanna WEBER, she was born in ... on ... .
                    XI.2 Norbert WEBER, he was born in ... on ... .
                  X.2 Irmgard GIEGENGACK
She was born in Kleinschmalkalden on ... 1936. She died in ... on ... .
                  X.3 Marianne GIEGENGACK
She was born in Kleinschmalkalden on 11 March 1939.
She was married 1) in ... on ... to ... REINHARD. He died in ... on ... .
She was married 2) in ... on ... to Horst NÜRNBERG. <XII>
One daughter from the first marriage:
                    XI.1 Christine REINHARD
She was born in ... on ... . <XII>
                  X.4 Helmut GIEGENGACK
He was born in Kleinschmalkalden on 17 April 1940.
Married in ... on ... to Magdalene EHRLICH. She was born in ... on ... . <XII>
Four children:
                    XI.1 Astrid GIEGENGACK
She was born in ... on ... . <XII>
                    XI.2 Ulrike GIEGENGACK
She was born in Marienberg on 9 December 1967.
Married in ... on ... to Dieter Sigurd ROPERS. He was born in ... on ... .
Three children:
                      XII.1 Anni ROPERS, she was born in ... on ... .
                      XII.2 Julia ROPERS, she was born in ... on ... .
                      XII.3 Johannes ROPERS, he was born in ... on ... .
                    XI.3 Anne-Kathrin GIEGENGACK
She was born in Karl-Marx-Stadt on ... 1970. <XII>
                    XI.4 Uta GIEGENGACK
She was born in ... on ... . <XII>

          Fifth child of Hippolytus (Polidey) Giegengack, from his second marriage to Eva Margarethe Helbich:
          VI.5 Johann Christoph GIEGENGACK
Born in ... on 14 November 1793, he died in Kleinschmalkalden on 26 January 1844, buried 29 January 1844.
Profession: ... .
Address: Alten Gasse, Kleinschmalkalden.
Not married.

        Thirth child of Johannes Peter Giegengack (baptized in Kleinschmalkalden 17 October 1693) and Gertraud Rommel:
        V.3 Anna Catharina GIEGENGACK
Born in ... on ..., baptized in Kleinschmalkalden on 15 August 1729, godmother [Gevatterin] was A. Cath. HAPP wife of Polidey ROMMEL.
Partner is Simon WACHSMANN, ... [Tagelöhner, vormaliger Junggeselle]. <XXV>
          VI.1 Johan Georg WACHSMANN, born in ... on ..., baptized in Kleinschmalkalden on 7 December 1755, Godfather [Gevatter] was Georg GIEGENGACK, ... [Tagelöhner].
          VI.2 Barbara Catharina WACHSMANN, born in ... on ..., baptized in Kleinschmalkalden on 16 April 1759, godfather [Gevatter] was Barba Catharina, wife of Cristoph WACHSMANN.
          VI.3 Johan Heinrich WACHSMANN, born in ... on ..., baptized in Kleinschmalkalden on 4 November 1761, godfather [Gevatter] was Johan Heinrich WACHSMANN, ... [Junggesell und Tagelöhner].
          VI.4 Engelhardt WACHSMANN, born in ... on ..., baptized in Kleinschmalkalden on 24 February 1764, godfather [Taufpath] was Engelhard DIEZGE, ... [Tagelöhner].
          VI.5 Johann Martin WACHSMANN, born in ... on ..., baptized in Kleinschmalkalden on 29 March 1770, godfather [Taufpath] was Johann Martin WACHSMANN, ... [Dragoner unterm Hfürstl. Hesß. Wohllöbl. Prinz Friedrichs Regiment desßen Vater Christoph Wachßmann von demselben gehoben.].

      Sixth child of Nikolaus Giegengack (baptized in Kleinschmalkalden 20 April 1659) and Anna Kath. Müller:
      IV.6 Eva Catharina GIEGENGACK
Born in Kleinschmalkalden on ... , baptized in Kleinschmalkalden on 19 April 1696. Godmother [Gevatterin] was Eva Catharina, wife of Caspar HOFMANS. Eva Catharina died in Kleinschmalkalden on 14 September 1715.
She was married in Kleinschmalkalden on 29 August 1714 to Hanß Caspar FUNCK. <XXV>

      Seventh child of Nikolaus Giegengack (baptized in Kleinschmalkalden 20 April 1659) and Anna Kath. Müller:
      IV.7 Anna Margretha GIEGENGACK
Born in Kleinschmalkalden on ... 1698, baptized in Kleinschmalkalden on 24 April 1698. Godmother [Gevatterin] was Anna Margreth Heinrich DÜNNEN uxor. <XXV>
She died in ... on ... .

      Eighth child of Nikolaus Giegengack (baptized in Kleinschmalkalden 20 April 1659) and Anna Kath. Müller:
      IV.8 Katharina Elisabeth GIEGENGACK
She was born ..., baptized in Kleinschmalkalden on 11 December 1701. Godmother [Gevatterin] was Anna Elisabeth, daughter of Christoph HOFMANN [Balckmacher]. <XXV>
She died in Kleinschmalkalden on 25 August 1748.
Married in Kleinschmalkalden on 20 April 1729 to Johann Paul KRIEGER, son of Peter KRIEGER. <VIII> <XXV>
        V.1 Margaretha KRIEGER, born in ... on ..., baptized in Kleinschmalkalden on 5 February 1730, godmother [Gevatterin] was Anna Margretha GIEGENGACK, daughter of Nic. Giegengack. <XXV>

    Fifth child of Peter or Petter Giegengack and Margreth FUCHS:
She was born in Kleinschmalkalden on ... , baptized in Kleinschmalkalden on 31 August 1661. Godmother [Gevatterin] was Ursula, daughter [Eltere Tochter] of Hans STUBENRAUCH. <XXV>
She died in ... on 29 July 1694(?).
Ursula married in Kleinschmalkalden on 7 April 1686 to Johannes DELLITH, son of Jakob DELLITH and Ottilie KAPP. After Ursula died, Johannes Dellith remarried in ... on 14 June 1698 to Elisabeth Muller. <XXVI>
Four children from the marriage of Ursula Giegengack and Johannes Dellith:
      IV.1 Anna Catherine DELLITH, she was born ..., baptized in Kleinschmalkalden on 23 December 1686, she died Kleinschmalkalden 29 Jul 1694. <XXVI>
      IV.2 Johannes DELLITH, he was born ..., baptized in Kleinschmalkalden on 9 May 1688. <XXVI>
      IV.3 Anna Margarete DELLITH, born ..., baptized in Kleinschmalkalden on 29 March 1691, she died Kleinschmalkalden 13 September 1691. <XXVI>

Konrad (or Johann Conrad) DELLIT(H)
Different sources for the year of baptism: Kleinschmalkalden 1695 <VIII> or Kleinschmalkalden 7 October 1692 <XXVI>. He died in Kleinschmalkalden on 28 December 1704. <XXVI>

    Sixth child of Peter or Petter Giegengack and Margreth FUCHS:
    III.6 Kunigunda GIEGENGACK
She was born in Kleinschmalkalden on ... , baptized in Kleinschmalkalden on 2 July 1666. Godmother [Gevatterin] was Kinigunda, wife of Merten MÜLLER.
She died in Kleinschmalkalden on 23 November 1746. She was 80 years, 5 months, 2 weeks and 5 days. <XXV>
She married in Kleinschmalkalden on 27 November 1689 to Johannes MÜLLER, butcher [Metzger]. Here Kunigunda is called Kunigunde Elisabethe.

  Fourth child of Hans Giegengack and Anna Möller:

He was born in Kleinschmalkalden on ... 1640. Baptized in Kleinschmalkalden on 29 July 1640. Godfather [Gevatter] was Bastian REICH. <XXV>
He died ... .

More to come.
Mehr Informationen zu kommen.
