The Moritz Giegengack Lineage (a)

The Bocholt Branch

    Gigengacksteggesken in Bocholt, Germany. Woodcut made by the artist Heinz Evers from Coesfeld (Germany). The building with the lantern is the house of Johan Jacob Gigengack.
Here you find the descendants of Johan Jacob Gigengack, the third child of Johan Christian Giegengack and Maria Wilhelmina Menting.

Johan Jacob Gigengack setteld down in Bocholt, Westfalia, Germany close to the Netherlands. In Bocholt he started a dyeworks [Färberei - ververij].

The street where this dyehouse was situated, later was called the Gigengacksteggesken. In the cityhall of Bocholt a woodcut of this street was found. This woodcut was made by the artist Heinz Evers from Coesfeld (Germany). The building with the lantern is the house of Johan Jacob Gigengack.
The Gigengacksteggesken doesn't excist anymore. This part of the city of Bocholt was completely destroyed in World War II. Only the church in the back of the picture, the Liebfrauenkirche, survived the war.
Johann Valentin GIEGENGACK, born Roßdorf (Thüringen), Germany in 1750, died København (Copenhagen), Denmark on 4 February 1798. Married to Marie Eleonora BISER(IN), BIESERIN or BIRSER.
Six children. Fourth child is:
Johan Christian GIEGENGACK, forefather of the Dutch Lineage and the Bocholt Lineage, born in København, Denmark in 1788, died in Zutphen, the Netherlands on 7 October 1861. Married to Maria Wilhelmina MENTING.
Ten children. Third child is:

            Third child of Johan Christian Giegengack and Maria Wilhelmina Menting:

Forefather of the Bocholt (Germany) Branch.
Johan Jacob was born in København, Denmark on 28 December 1818. He died in Bocholt, Germany on 5 June 1893.
Johan Jacob married 1) in Bocholt on 13 February 1847 to Henrina GILDEHAUS. She was born in Bocholt on 29 November 1821, daughter of Hermann GILDEHAUS, wooden shoe maker [Holzschuhmacher - klompenmaker]) and Mathilde H(B)ECKMANN. Henrina died in Bocholt on 10 March 1851 because of tuberculosis [Schwindsucht oder Tuberkulose (TBC)]. Her son died of the same disease four months earlier. Two children from this marriage.
Married 2) in Bocholt on 21 September 1852 to Josephine HÜLS. She was born in Bocholt on 2 December 1818, daughter of Johann HÜLS and Theresia MÖLDERS. She died Bocholt 25 November 1891. <XIV>.
Profession: dyer [Färber, Blaufärber, Schönfärber - verver]

After Joh. Jacob and Henrina were married, they went to live in Henrina's parental home at house number 556 in the "Neue Klucht" district in Bocholt. The street was later called "Gigengacksteggesken" (see image above).
In 1849 Joh. Jacob had established his dyeing works here. (In 1846, a certain Johann Piepenbrock practiced the dying works in this house in which Henrina's parents were already living.) Moreover, it appears from the address lists of 1849 that Christian Giegengack, "Gesell" (apprentice) by profession, the younger brother of Joh. Jacob, also lived at this address.
A few years later a major drama took place. Joh. Jacob and Henrina already had two children when fate struck in 1850. Both children died in November of that year. And to make matters worse, Henrina died a few months later, on 10 March 1851. In four months, Joh. Jacob lost his young family. <XXXVI>
Fortunately Joh. Jacob started his life again. He married Josephine Hüls in 1852, a woman who lived in the same neighborhood. They had four children together.

Six children. Two children from the first marriage, to Henrina Gildehaus:
1. Johannes Hermann GIGENGACK, see below: VIII.1.
2. Joseph Christian GIGENGACK, see below: VIII.2.
Four children from the second marriage, to Josephine Hüls:
3. Johann Anton GIGENGACK, see below: VIII.3.
4. Anna Christina GIGENGACK, see below: VIII.4.
5. Maria Christina GIGENGACK, see below: VIII.5.
6. Fredrich Josef GIGENGACK, see below: VIII.6.



Johannes Hermann GIGENGACK
He was born in Bocholt, Germany on ... 1848, baptized Bocholt on 2 June 1848, he died in Bocholt on 17 November 1850 because of tuberculosis [Schwindsucht oder Tuberkulose (TBC)]. The same disease his mother died of, four months later.


Joseph Christian GIGENGACK
He was born in ... on 7 June 1850, baptized Sankt Georg, Bocholt on 7 June 1850, he died in Bocholt on 7 November 1850 because of epilepsy ['Krampf' oder 'Fallsucht' (Epilepsie)].


  Johann Anton Gigengack
Johann Anton GIGENGACK
He was born in Bocholt, Germany on 15 November 1853, baptized Sankt Georg, Bocholt on 16 November 1853, he died Bocholt on 4 July 1931. He lived at the time of his marriage in Bocholt at Überviertelstrasse 555/556 (nowadays Langenbergstraße).
He married in Bocholt on 22 October 1883 to Christina Johanna HATER. She was born in Raesfeld on 12 February 1860, daughter of Johann Hermann HATER and Gesina WILLTING (from Spork b. Bocholt). Christina Hater died in Bocholt 4 May 1933.
Profession: dyer, merchandiser, grower [Färber, Händler, Landwirt/Ackerer - verver, marskramer in textiel, landbouwer].
Eight children, six sons and two daughters:
1. Maria GIGENGACK, see below: IX.1.
2. Johan Anton GIGENGACK, see below: IX.2.
3. Aug. B. GIGENGACK, see below: IX.3.
4. Josef Frederik GIGENGACK, see below: IX.4.
5. Josef Frederik GIGENGACK, see below: IX.5.
6. Alex GIGENGACK, see below: IX.6.
7. Paul GIGENGACK, see below: IX.7.
8. Anna GIGENGACK, see below: IX.8.
9. Aloys Joseph GIGENGACK, see below: IX.9.


First child of Johann Anton Gigengack (*Bocholt, 1853) and Christina Johanna Hater:


IX.1 Maria Josefine Johanna GIGENGACK
She was born in Bocholt on 14 August 1884, she died in Bocholt on 4 February 1970 At the time of her marriage she lived at Münsterstrasse 95-II in Bocholt.
She married in Bocholt on 20 October 1908 to Wilhelm Franz PASTWA. He was born in Bocholt 1 February 1882, son of Valentin PASTWA and Maria Agnes WEHLING (or WELLING). Profession Wilhelm Franz: ... [Buchhalter bei die Firma Beckman Söhne (heute: Ibena) - boekhouder].
Six children:
                  X.1 Johann Valentin PASTWA, born in Bocholt on 13 August 1909, he died in World War 2, in ... on 14 March 1942.[im Krieg gefallen]
He was married in ... on ... to Hedwig Josefine Johanna SCHMITZ.
Daughter is Marlies Hedwig PASTWA, born in Bocholt on 18 September 1941, she died in ... (Friesland, Nedrland) on 27 February 2015. She was married to ... (Konrad) ELLERMEIER.
                  X.2 Waldemar Franz PASTWA, born in Bocholt on 5 November 1912, he died in Bocholt on 4 November 1971.
                  X.3 Martin Anton PASTWA, born in Bocholt on 14 May 1916, he died in Bocholt on 17 March 2001. <XVII> He was married in Legden on 25 September 1946 to Hedwig SPECKING.
Daughter is Marianne Pastwa-Hondong. Marianne provided important information about the Bocholt-Gigengacks.
                  X.4 Agnes Anna PASTWA, born in Bocholt on 22 February 1918. She was married in ... on ... to Karl Schlehuber.
                  X.5 Hugo Johannes PASTWA, born in Bocholt on 24 May 1921, died in World War 2 in ... on 16 nov 1941 [im Krieg gefallen]
                  X.6 Christa Mathilda PASTWA, born in Bocholt on 24 May 1921. She was married in ... on ... to Max NERGER.


Second child of Johann Anton Gigengack (*Bocholt, 1853) and Christina Johanna Hater:


IX.2 Johan Anton GIGENGACK
He was born in Bocholt on 1885, he died in ... on .... .
He married in ... on ... to Catharina Adelheid Bernardina WÜPPING. She was born Bocholt 1887.
Profession: ... [Schlosser - slotenmaker of bankwerker]
Three (?) children:
                  X.1 Martha Auguste GIGENGACK
She was born in Bocholt on 4 April 1924. Martha moved to Washington State, USA in 1953.
She was married in Seattle, King county (Washington state) on 24 June 1961 to Manfred Horst Erich (Fred) SCHNEIDER. He was born in ... on ..., he died .... .
Profession: nurse [Krankenschwester - verpleegster] <XX>


Third child of Johann Anton Gigengack (*Bocholt, 1853) and Christina Johanna Hater:


  August Gigengack was reburied at the Deutscher Soldatenfriedhof Ysselsteyn near Venray Municipality, Limburg, the Netherlands.
August Bernhardus GIGENGACK
He was born in Bocholt on 13 February 1887, he died in the Sint Elisabeth Ziekenhuis in Almelo (the Netherlands) at the end of March 1945. August died as a German soldier. He was first buried at the Algemene Begraafplaats in Almelo in 1945. He was reburied in 1948 at the German war cemetery at Timmermansweg 75 in Ysselsteyn, Limburg, the Netherlands. (Ysselsteyn is the only German military cemetery in the Netherlands).

We found sources that August was a student at the Progymnasium in Bocholt in 1899-1900 and later years.
He married in Bocholt on ... to Elisabeth THIESING. She was born Bocholt 18 December 1887, she died Bocholt 4 April 1947, she was buried 9 April 1947.
Profession: ... [Matrose in Kiel in 1908, Expedient - matroos, expediteur] <XX>
Seven (?) children:
  Sister Maria Richlindis, born as Hildegard Christine Bernardine Gigengack
Hildegard Christine Bernardine GIGENGACK
She was born in Bocholt on 30 May 1916.
Hildegard became a nun [Klosterschwester] in Torino (Turin), Italy where she was called: sister Maria Richlindis.
                  X.? Elli GIGENGACK
She was born in Bocholt on ... .
She was married in ... on ... to Heinrich SCHOLTEN. <XVII>
Four(?) children:
                    XI.1 Marie SCHOLTEN, born in Bocholt on ... . <XVII>
                    XI.2 Paula SCHOLTEN, born in Bocholt on ... . <XVII>
                    XI.3 Doris SCHOLTEN, born in Bocholt on 6 February 1957. <XVII>
                    XI.4 ... (son) SCHOLTEN, born in Bocholt on ... . <XVII>


Fourth child of Johann Anton Gigengack (*Bocholt, 1853) and Christina Johanna Hater:


IX.4 Josef Frederik GIGENGACK
He was born in Bocholt on 27 February 1889, he died in Bocholt on 11 March 1889.


Fifth child of Johann Anton Gigengack (*Bocholt, 1853) and Christina Johanna Hater:


IX.5 Josef Frederik GIGENGACK
He was born in Bocholt on 29 July 1890, he died in ... on .... 1962.
He married in ... on ... to Louise HENDRIKS. She was born Bocholt 17 June 1892, she died in ... on 30 June 1979, buried 4 July 1979.
Profession: butcher [Metzger - slager].
Four children:
                  X.1 Klara GIGENGACK
She was born in Bocholt on ... .
She married to ... LOREI, he is born in ... on ... . <XVII>
Five children.
                  X.2 Kurt GIGENGACK
He was born in Bocholt on ... , he died in Bocholt on ... .
He married to Käthe SCHÄFER, she was born in ... on ... . Käthe Gigengack lives in Rhede near Bocholt. <XVII>
Profession: ... [... - ...].
No children.
                  X.3 Louise GIGENGACK
She was born in Bocholt on ... .
She married in ... on ... to ... TOCKLOTH. He was born in ... on ... .
Two children:
                    XI.1 Elisabeth TOCKLOTH, born in ... on ... .
                    XI.2 Hubert TOCKLOTH, born in ... on ... .
                  X.4 Josef GIGENGACK
He was born in Bocholt on 27 September 1930, he died in Bocholt on 20 February 1995.
He was married to Ruth KASTEIN, she was born in Bocholt on 21 October 1932. Ruth GIGENGACK lives in Bocholt. <XVII>
Profession: ... [Drogist].
No children.


Sixth child of Johann Anton Gigengack (*Bocholt, 1853) and Christina Johanna Hater:


He was born in Bocholt on 11 December 1891, he died in ... on .... .
He married in Bocholt on 23 November 1921 to Anna HEBING. She was born in Bocholt on 12 April 1895.
Profession: ... [Milchhändler].
They have five children:
                  X.1 Erich GIGENGACK
He was born in Bocholt on 15 September 1922, he died in Bocholt on 19 April 1980, he was buried in Bocholt on 23 April 1980.
He married in ... on ... to Hedwig TERHART. She was born in ... on 9 February 1926, she died in Bocholt on 1 April 2001, buried Bocholt on 4 April 2001. <XVII>
They have two children:
                    XI.1 Angelika GIGENGACK
She is born in Bocholt on ... .
She married in Bocholt on ... to Werner SCHLATT. He is born in ... ... on ... . <XVII>
                    XI.2 Bärbel GIGENGACK
She is born in Bocholt on ... .
She married in Bocholt on ... to ... WÜLFING. He is born in ... on ... . <XVII>
                  X.2 Walter GIGENGACK
He was born in Bocholt on 9 December 1925.
He was married in Bocholt on ... to Mathilde SCHLAGEWERTH. She was born in Bocholt on 12 March 1932.
Four children from this marriage:
                    XI.1 Inge GIGENGACK
She was born in Bocholt on 30 May 1955.
She was married in Bocholt on ... to ... KAMPSHOFF. He is born in ... on ... .
                    XI.2 Annette GIGENGACK
She was born in Bocholt on 10 February 1957.
She was married in Bocholt on 6 August 1982 to Andreas TANNEBERG. He is born in Bocholt on 12 July 1959.
Two children:
                      XII.1 Philipp TANNEBERG, born on 29 July 1986.
                      XII.2 Steffen TANNEBERG, born on 25 September 1989.
                    XI.3 Anne GIGENGACK
She was born in Bocholt on 10 March 1963.
She was married in ... on ... to ... JOCHIMS. He is born in ... on ... . They divorced. Anne lives in Aachen.
One child:
                      XII.1 Marie JOCHIMS, she was born in Aachen on 4 November 1993.
                    XI.4 Ulrike GIGENGACK
She was born in Bocholt on 14 February 1967.
She is not married and she lives in Münster.
                  X.3 Herbert GIGENGACK
He is born in ... 30 December 1927.
He married in Bocholt on 23 June 1953 to Käthe UEBBING. She is born in Bocholt on 27 July 1927. <XVII>
They have three children:
  Ludger and Inge Gigengack
He is born in Bocholt on 14 May 1954.
He married in Bocholt on 6 December 1975 to Inge JUNGKAMP. She was born in Bocholt on 3 September 1954. They live in Düsseldorf. <XVII>

They have two children:
  Daniel Degeling
He is born in Hilden on 3 December 1980.
He married in Bocholt on the 1st of August 2008 to Maria DEGELING. She was born in Bocholt on 22. January 1981. They live in Düsseldorf. Daniel adopted the family name DEGELING after his marriage. <XVII>

Five children:
                        XIII.1 Lina DEGELING, she was born in Düsseldorf on 18 June 2010.
                        XIII.2 Lotta DEGELING, she was born in Düsseldorf on 4 April 2012.
                        XIII.3 Lasse DEGELING, he was born in Düsseldorf on 28 February 2014.
                        XIII.4 Jule DEGELING, she was born in Düsseldorf on 20 July 2016.
                        XIII.5 Jesse DEGELING, he was born in Düsseldorf on 20 July 2016.
  Fabian Gigengack
He is born in Hilden on 2 November 1982. He is living in Hannover. <XVII>
He has two children with Julia KLAMKA. She was born in Düsseldorf on 15. September 1982.

Two children:
                    XI.2 Ursula GIGENGACK
She is born in Bocholt on 13 May 1957.
She married in Bocholt on 6 August 1987 to Reinhard THIELEMANN. He is born in Münster on 5 September 1958. <XVII>
They live in Minden and have one child:
                      XII.1 Jan Henrik THIELEMANN
He is born in Minden on 12 November 1987. <XVII>
                    XI.3 Christoph GIGENGACK
Born in Bocholt on 20 October 1963.
He was married in Bocholt on 20 August 1992 to Annegret (Anne) FARTAK. She is born in Billerbeck on 26 March 1958. <XVII>
They live in Bocholt and have one daughter:
                      XII.1 Jacqueline GIGENGACK
She is born in Bocholt on 10 December 1992. <XVII>
                  X.4 Margret GIGENGACK
She is born in Bocholt on 3 July 1929, Margret died in Bocholt on 10 January 2019.
She was not married. <XVII>
                  X.5 Alfred GIGENGACK
He was born in Bocholt on 27 April 1932.
He married Liselotte CASSER. She was born in Bocholt on ... 1927. <XVII>
Two children:
                    XI.1 Thomas GIGENGACK
Born in Bocholt on ... .
Profession: engineer in the automotive industry.
He was married ... in ... on ... to Indrawati TANUHADI . She is born in Semarang (Indonesia) on 3 February 1959. Profession: civil engineer for road construction.
They live in Berlin and they have two sons:
                      XII.1 Kevin GIGENGACK
Born in Berlin on 9 November 1990.
Profession: internist.
                      XII.2 Norman GIGENGACK
Born in Berlin on 30 July 1994.
Profession: neurologist.
                    XI.2 Ilka GIGENGACK
She was born in Bocholt on ... .
She married in Bocholt on ... to ... BOBER. He is born in ... on ... . <XVII>


Seventh child of Johann Anton Gigengack (*Bocholt, 1853) and Christina Johanna Hater:


He was born in Bocholt on 14 January 1895, he died in Bocholt on 22 October 1932, only 37 years old.
He married in Bocholt on 29 January 1919 to Anna Louise Maria BUßKÖNNING. She was born Bocholt 14 November 1897. She died in Bocholt on 13 February 1955.
Profession: ... [Telefonarbeiter].
Six children:
                  X.1 Karl GIGENGACK
He was born in ... on ... . He died Bocholt, 9 January 1924 as a 5 year old child.
                  X.2 Erna GIGENGACK
She was born in ... on 15 Sep 1920. She lived in Bielefeld, Germany. Died in Bielefeld, 17 July 2005.
Married in ... on ... to Wilhelm Johannes KREKELER. He was born Bielefeld, 16 May 1909, he died ..., 29 Aug 1989.
Three children?
                    XI.1 Ernst Wilhelm KREKELER, born in ... on 1 May 1946. He died in ... on ... . He was married in ... on ... to .... (Rosemarie) RHEINWALD.
                    XI.2 ... KREKELER, born in ... on ... .
                    XI.3 ... KREKELER, born in ... on ... .
                  X.3 Richard Alois GIGENGACK
He was born in Bocholt on 17 June 1922. He died in Bocholt 25 September 2015.
Profession: agricultural labourer, Chief of the volunteers fire brigade of Borgers company till he retired in 1983. [Landarbeiter, Leiter von die Borgers Betriebsfeuerwehr, bis seiner Pensionierung im Jahre 1983.]
Married 1) in Bocholt on 2 September 1944 to Anna Maria DERKSEN. She was born Stenern (Bocholt) on 31 October 1923, daughter of Wilhelm DERKSEN and Adelheid Maria Venderbosch. Richard and Anna divorced in Münster on 2 March 1947.
Married 2) in Bocholt on 8 January 1948 to Erna Theodora STOCKHORST. She was born in Bocholt on 30 June 1921, daughter of ... and ... . Erna had an earlier marriage to ... BETTING.
Two childeren. One daughter from the first marriage between Richard Alois Gigengack and Anna Maria Derksen (born after the divorce):
                    XI.1 Brigitte HITPAß, born in Stenern on 3 August 1947. She was married in Holtwick on 16 June 1966 to Peter Klaus SCHÄFER. He was born in Plottnitz (Schlesien, Preußen) on 14 May 1945, he died Münster 17 April 1980. Two sons:
                      XII.1 Peter Josef SCHÄFER, he was born Bocholt 20 August 1965.
                      XII.2 Klaus SCHÄFER, he was born Holtwick 23 October 1966.
                    One daughter from the second marriage between Richard Alois Gigengack and Erna Theodora Stockhorst:
                    XI.2 Margaretha ... (Margret), born in Bocholt on 2 May 1950.
She was married in ... on ... to ... (Willi) GIEBING. He was born in ... on ... .
                  X.4 Elfride GIGENGACK
She was born in ... on ... . She died in 1942, only 17 years old.
                  X.5 Emil GIGENGACK
He was born in ... on ... 1926, he died in ... on ... 1945.
Emil was called for duty in the German army in 1944. He died in the war in 1945.
                  X.6 Werner August GIGENGACK
He was born in Bocholt on 4 November 1928.
Married in Bocholt on 23 July 1953 to Hedwig KREKELER. She was born in ... on 8 Feb 1920. She died in ... on 23 Nov 2017.
One daughter:
                    XI.1 Christiane GIGENGACK
She was born in Bocholt on ... .
Married in ... on ... to ... (Uwe) AßMUS.


Eighth child of Johann Anton Gigengack (*Bocholt, 1853) and Christina Johanna Hater:


She was born in Bocholt on 11 October 1896, she died in Bocholt on 1 August 1924.
She married in Bocholt on 23 November 1921 to Theodorus Antonius HENDRIKS. He was born Bocholt 3 April 1884, he died Bocholt 22 October 1960. <XX>
Two children:
                  X.1 Alfred Theodor HENDRIKS
Born in Bocholt on 1 May 1922. He died in Putzchen (bei Bonn) on 2 March 1945 ().
                  X.2 ... HENDRIKS
Born in ... on ... .


Ninth child of Johann Anton Gigengack (*Bocholt, 1853) and Christina Johanna Hater:


IX.9 Aloys Joseph GIGENGACK
He was born in Bocholt on 25 June 1899, he died in ... on 31 July 1978, he was buried in Bocholt on 2 August 1978.
Profession: ... [Stättische angestelter auf Einwohnermeldeamt - ambtenaar burgerlijke stand].
He married in ... on ... to Johanna Henriette BOTHE. She was born in ... on ... .
Three children:
                  X.1 Elisabeth ... (Liesel) GIGENGACK
She was born in Bocholt on 29 October ... .
                    XI.1 Meta ...
She was born in ... on ... .
                  X.2 Christel GIGENGACK
She was born in Bocholt on 14 January ... .
                  X.3 Jürgen Anton GIGENGACK
Born in Bocholt on 26 June 1941, he died in ... on ... January 2006. He was buried in Bocholt on 16 January 2006
Jürgen was married in Bocholt on 14 February 1969 to Gerda TERMATH. She was born in ... on 25 March 1946, she died in Bocholt on 6 November 2000, buried in Bocholt on 10 November 2000.
Profession: ... [... - Werkte eerst aan weefmachine, was daarna chauffeur].
Four children:
                    XI.1 Nicole GIGENGACK
She was born in Bocholt on 18 December 1969.
One son:
                      XII.1 Michael GIGENGACK
He is born in Borken (Westfalen) on 27 January 1993.
                    XI.2 Mike GIGENGACK
He was born in Bocholt on 17 May 1972.
Married in ... on ... to Anne KLEINKES. She was born in Bocholt on 19 April 1972.
Two children:
                      XII.1 Erik GIGENGACK
He is born in Oberhausen on 1 January 2001 (01-01-01).
                      XII.2 Marei GIGENGACK
She is born in Bocholt on 14 January 2004.
                    XI.3 Marcel GIGENGACK
He was born in Bocholt on 12 September 1973.
Married in ... on 12 December 2009 to Petra NEUBER. She was born in Emmerich am Rhein on 18 August 1978.
Three daughters:
                      XII.1 Ida Josefine GIGENGACK
She is born in Bocholt on 27 March 2010.
                      XII.2 Thea Gerda GIGENGACK
She is born in Bocholt on 17 May 2012.
                      XII.3 Luise Maria GIGENGACK
She is born in Bocholt on 9 September 2015.
  Kristin Gigengack
  Kristin Gigengack
She was born in Bocholt on 8 May 1975. Later on she moved to Holland. In Voorst (Oude IJsselstreek) she followed a training course to become a miller. Kristin died in Dinxperlo on 1 September 2017.



Anna Christina GIGENGACK
She was born in Bocholt, Germany on 26 July 1855, she died in Oberhausen Sterkrade on 25 February 1931.
She married in ... on ... to H. (Johann) FAHNENBRUCK from Sterkrade (Germany).
Four children from this marriage:


IX.1 ... FAHNENBRUCK, born in ... on ... .


IX.2 Theresia FAHNENBRUCK, born in ... on ... about 1889, she died in Sterkrade on 10 April 1916.
                IX.3 Anna FAHNENBRUCK, born in ... on ... about 1893, she died in Sterkrade on 13 July 1893.
                IX.4 Pauline FAHNENBRUCK, born in ... on ... about 1897, she died in Sterkrade on 3 September 1897.


Maria Christina GIGENGACK
She was born in Bocholt, Germany on 21 December 1858, baptized Bocholt 22 December 1858, she died in ... on .... .
Not married.


Fredrich Josef (Frits) GIGENGACK
He was born in Bocholt, Germany on 8 August 1861, baptized Bocholt 8 August 1861, he died in Bocholt on 4 apr 1895.
Profession: ... [Händler - handelaar].
He married in Bocholt on 31 July 1888 to Anna LANDERS from Helderlo (Kreis Rees, Germany). She was born in ... on 22 August 1863, she died in ... on ... .
Two children from this marriage:


IX.1 Hedwig Johanna GIGENGACK
She was born in Bocholt on 19 April 1889, she died in Bocholt on 11 July 1900.


She was born in ... on 28 April 1892, she died in Bocholt on 21 February 1893.

Do you have more information? Please let us know! Contact us here.
