The Moritz Giegengack
Moritz Giegengack, born in about 1628, left Kleinschmalkalden with his wife and children and moved to Roßdorf in 1658. Nearly a century later, two of his descendants went to Denmark. Johann Valentin Giegengack (born in Roßdorf in 1750) moved to Copenhagen in 1771, where he died in 1798. His offspring now lives in Germany and the Netherlands. All Dutch Gigengacks and the Bocholt Gigengacks (both spelled with 'í') are from this branch.
The father of Moritz is Hans Giegengack:
Hanss Giegengagk 'minor'
Hanss Giegengagk 'minor' is the oldest known person in this lineage. ('Minor' = the younger one or the smaller one. 'Minor' = die jüngere oder die kleinere.)
I.1 |
Jörg or Georg GIEGENGAGK
He was born in ... on ... around 1626. Confirmation at Pentecost [Pfingsten, Pinksteren] in 1641. He died in Kleinschmalkalden on 27 March 1694, 68 years old.

Confirmation record, Pentecost 1641. Original text: Jörg Hanssen Giegengagks minoris Sohn.
Source: Kirchenbuch Kleinschmalkalden 1626-1719, page 175.
Profession: charcoal maker [Köhler - ... ].
He was married 1) in Kleinschmalkaldin on 25 June 1650 to Barbara GRIM. She was born ..., she died in Kleinschmalkalden on 21 November 1675.
He was married 2)
in Kleinschmalkalden to 21 August 1678 to Magdalena HOLLAND.

Marriage record, 25 June 1650. Original text: Jörg Giegengagk, Barbara Grimin.
Source: Kirchenbuch Kleinschmalkalden 1626-1719, page 87.

Marriage record, 21 August 1678. 'Georg Gigengack, Witwer, und Mitnachbar allhier und Magdalena Hollandin, des Weiland Erbaren Meister Valentini Holland=Merdens, gewesenen Nagelschmidts und Mitnachbars in Steinbach, des AmbtHallenbergs, hindliebene Witwe, den 21t. Augusti.' Source: Kirchenbuch Kleinschmalkalden 1626-1719, page 238. Pictures made available by Rick Elgin, Memphis, TN, USA.
Nine children from the first marriage (no children from the second marriage): |
II.1 |
She was born in ... on..., baptized in Kleinschmalkalden on 20 November 1651. Godmother [Gevatterin - peettante] Anna Michel HERZOGEN s. Relicta [widow? - Witwe? - weduwe?]. <XXV>
She married in Kleinschmalkalden on 18 April 1678 to Moritz ASCHENBACH [Junggesell] , son of Hans ASCHENBACH ['Des Jüngeren' genandt]. |
II.2 |
Hanns Bartel or Hanß Barthold GI(E)GENGACK Refor. (?) / Reformatus
He was born in ... baptized in Kleinschmalkalden on 26 August 1653. Godfather [Gevatter - peetoom] Hanns Hofman Sezrich?.
He died in Kleinschmalkalden on 19 February 1719, 65 years old.
Profession: charcoal maker [Kohlbrenner].
He was married 1) in Kleinschmalkalden on 28 August 1678 to Anna ASCHENBACH, daughter of Hans 'des Elteren' ASCHENBACH [Holzhändler] from Kleinschmalkalden. <XXV> She died in Kleinschmalkalden on 8 December 1699.
He was married 2) in Kleinschmalkalden on 29 August 1703 to Anna Barbara MÄGDFESSEL.
Children from his first marriage to Anna ASCHENBACH: |
III.1 |
Born in ... on..., baptized in Kleinschmalkalden on 26 June 1679. Godmother [Gevatterin - peettante] Margretha, wife of Michael NICKEL. She died as a child in Kleinschmalkalden on 25 October 1679. <XXV> |
III.2 |
Anna Barbara GIGENGAGK
Born in ... on..., baptized in Kleinschmalkalden on 13 August 1680. Godmother [Gevatterin - peettante] Barbara, wife (uxor) of Matheßen KAUFMANN.
She died in Kleinschmalkalden on 20 December 1699. <XXV> |
III.3 |
Ottilia (Margretha) GIGENGAGK
Born in ... on..., baptized in Kleinschmalkalden on 27 April 1683. Godmother [Gevatterin - peettante] Ottilia, wife of Peter ASCHENBACH. She died as a child in Kleinschmalkalden on 12 August 1684. <XXV> |
III.4 |
Anna Christina GIEGENGAGK
Born in ... on..., baptized in Kleinschmalkalden on 2 March 1686. Godmother [Gevatterin - peettante] Anna Christina, wife of Moritz ASCHENBACH. <XXV> |
III.5 |
Anna Catharina GIEGENGAGK
Born in ... on..., baptized in Kleinschmalkalden on 25 August 1690. Godmother [Gevatterin - peettante] Catharina, wife of Hans Wilhelms WAGNER?
(orig. text: Catharina, Hanss Wilhelms Wagners Scheidenmachers aufm Thüringischen botten Hausfr. Gev.). <XXV> |
Children from the second marriage of Hanss Bartel Giegengack, to Anna Barbara MÄGDFESSEL: |
III.6 |
Anna Christina GIEGENGACK
Born in ... on..., baptized [Nottauf] in Kleinschmalkalden on 28 March 1704. Godmother [Gevatterin - peettante] A. Christina, Hanß Barthel Giegengacks Tochter (erste Ehe).
(orig. text: Hanß Barthel Giegengacken ein seinen Angaben nach zeitiges Tochterlein genothtauffet worden Gev. A. Christina, Hanß Barthel Giegengacks Tochter (erste Ehe) Kind Anna Christina d. eod. 28. Mart.)
She died two days later in Kleinschmalkalden on 30 March 1704. <XXV> |
III.7 |
Born in ... on..., baptized in Kleinschmalkalden on 29 July 1707. Godmother [Gevatterin - peettante] Osanna, wife of Polidey ROMMEL. <XXV>
She died Kleinschmalkalden 3 June 1771, 64 years, 6 weeks old. (Original text: ...eine ledige Person, aber einen Sohn gezeugt begraben...) <XXV> |
II.3 |
She was born in ... on ..., baptized in Kleinschmalkalden on 24 July 1655. Godmother [Gevatterin - peettante] Elisabeth STUBENRAUCH. <XXV> |
II.4 |
Jacob or Jakob GIEGENGACK Reformato
He was born in ... on ... . Baptized in Kleinschmalkalden on 17 August 1656, godfather [Gevatter - peetoom] is Jacob FAUST. <XXV>

Baptism record, 17 August 1656. Original German text: Jorg Gigengack Vatter, Jacob Faust Gevatter, Kindt Jacob d. 17. August.
Source: Kirchenbuch Kleinschmalkalden 1626-1719, page 335. Picture made available by Rick Elgin, Memphis, TN, USA.
Jacob died in ... on ... (before 1730).
Profession: ..., coal burner [Köhlers anietzo? in Schwallungen, Kohlbrenner]. (Schwallungen is about 20 km south-west of Kleinschmalkalden.)
Jacob married 1) in Kleinschmalkalden on 11 June 1679 to Anna IßLÄUBER. She was born ..., daughter of Ludwig IßLÄUBER, ... [Fuhrmann] and Barbara EISENACHER. She was baptized Kleinschmalkalden 23 July 1654. She died in Kleinschmalkalden 14 June 1689.

Marriage record, 11 June 1679. 'Jacob Gigengack, Ein Jungergesell, reform. Georgen Gigengacks Köhlers allhier Eheleiblicher Sohn, undt Jungfer Anna Ißläuberin, Ludwigs Ißläubers Fuhrmanns und Esig ? Bräuers allhier Eheleibl. Tochter den 11t. Juny.'
Source: Kirchenbuch Kleinschmalkalden 1626-1719, page 239. Picture made available by Rick Elgin, Memphis, TN, USA.
Jacob Gi(e)gengack married 2) in Kleinschmalkalden on 25 November 1689 to Barbara ... . Barbara is Hannß Michel DIEHLERs widow. She died in Kleinschmalkalden on 28 November 1693. <XXV>
He married 3) in ... on ... to Margareta KOCH (?). He apparently moved to Schwallungen. The name Giegengack was written as Geigengack. Schwallungen is about 20 km south-east from Bad Salzungen.
Children: |
III.1 |
Hans Christoph(el) GIEGENGACK
Born ..., baptized in Kleinschmalkalden on 23 August 1680. Godfather [Gevatter - peetoom] was Hanß SCHELLENBERGER. <XXV>
Married in ... on ... to ... .

Baptism record, 23 August 1680. Text: Jacob Gigengack, Vatter, Reform., Hanß Schellenberger, Gevatter, Kindt Hanß Christoph den 23. Augusti.
Source: Kirchenbuch Kleinschmalkalden 1626-1719, page 399. Picture made available by Rick Elgin, Memphis, TN, USA. |
III.2 |
Born ..., baptized [Nottauf] in Kleinschmalkalden on 16 July 1683. Godfather [Gevatter - peetoom] was Andreas, son of Conrad WEYHENS. He died as a baby in Kleinschmalkalden on 26 July 1683. <XXV>

Baptism record, 16 July 1683. Text: Den 16. July ist Jacob Gigengacken, reformo, ein Junger Sohn genotthaufft worden, wardt Gevatter Andreas, Conrad Weyhens, sonstes Ditzges genandt, Eheleiblicher Sohn! Kindt Andreas.
Source: Kirchenbuch Kleinschmalkalden 1626-1719, page 410. Picture made available by Rick Elgin, Memphis, TN, USA.

Death record, 26 July 1683. Text: Andreas, Jacobs Gigengacks Söhnlein, den 26. July.
Source: Kirchenbuch Kleinschmalkalden 1626-1719, page 546. Picture made available by Rick Elgin, Memphis, TN, USA. |
III.3 |
Anne Katharine GIEGENGACK
She was born ..., baptized in Kleinschmalkalden on 29 September 1684. Godmother [Gevatterin - peettante] was Anna Catharina, wife of Nickel GIEGENGACK. <XXV>

Baptism record, 29 September 1684. Text: Jacob Giegengack Vatter, Nickel Giegengacks Haußfrau Anna Catharina Gevatterin, Kind Anna Catharina den 29. Septembris.
Source: Kirchenbuch Kleinschmalkalden 1626-1719, page 415. Picture made available by Rick Elgin, Memphis, TN, USA.
She died Kleinschmalkalden on 10 May 1725, at the age of 40 years.
Married in Kleinschmalkalden on 3 February 1707 to Johannes ASCHENBACH, son of Hanß ASCHENBACH.

Marriage record, 3 February 1707. 'Johannes Aschenbach, filius Hanß Aschenbachs, Caspars Sohn und Anna Catharina, filia Jacob Giegengacks, Köhlers anietzo? in Schwallungen den 3. Febr. privatim.'
Source: Kirchenbuch Kleinschmalkalden 1626-1719, page 267. Picture made available by Rick Elgin, Memphis, TN, USA. |
III.4 |
Born ..., baptized [Nottauf] in Kleinschmalkalden on 23 December 1687. Godfather [Gevatter - peetoom] is Hanß VIETSCH, ... [Vorsteher]. He died in Kleinschmalkalden on 11 February 1691. <XXV> |
III.5 |
Born ..., baptized in Kleinschmalkalden on 22 June 1691. Godfather [Gevatter - peetoom] was Johann Peter MÜLLER, ... [Junggesell von Henneberg]. ... [Weilen aber der Gevatter abwesent und bey der H. Tauffe nicht sein können, so hat der Erbare Junggesell Heinrich Thomas IßLEÜBER deßen Stelle vertreten und das Kind in der H. Tauffe mit Nahmen Johann Peter begabt.] <XXV>
Married in ... on ... to ... . |
III.6 |
Maria Magdalena, Anna Maria or Maria
She was born in Schwallungen on ... 1699, she was baptized on the 18th of September 1699, her godparent was Maria Magdalena, left-behind daughter of the deceased Hans KELLER.
Anna Maria died 72 years old in Schwarzbach on the 5th of December 1772 and was buried the 7th December 1772.
(Information and images made available by Rick Elgin, Memphis, TN, USA.) |
Baptism record
18 Sept. 1699
Marriage record
8 Nov. 1730 |
Dead record
5 Dec. 1772 |
Click to see larger image |
Click to see larger image |
Click to see larger image |
Maria Geigengack was married in ... on the 8th of November 1730 to Johann Heinrich FELDMANN, son of the wagon builder master Johann Georg FELDMANN. He was born in ... on ... , he
died in ... on ... .
Child from this marriage: |
IV.1 |
Johann Erhardt FELDMANN
He was born in ... on .. , he died in ... on ... . |
II.5 |
He was born in ... on ..., baptized in Kleinschmalkalden on 20 February 1659. Godfather [Gevatter] is Jorg SCHMEIßER. He died as a child in Kleinschmalkalden on 3 February 1661. <XXV>

Baptism record, 20 February 1659. Text: Jorg Gigengack Vatter, Jorg Schmeißer Gevatte, Kindt Hans Jorg, d. 20 Febr.
Source: Kirchenbuch Kleinschmalkalden 1626-1719, page 342.

Death record, 3 February 1661. Text: Jorg Gigengacks Söhnlein, Hans Jörg von 2 Jahr, den 3. Febr.den 26. July.
Source: Kirchenbuch Kleinschmalkalden 1626-1719, page 533. Pictures made av. by Rick Elgin, USA. |
II.6 |
He was born in ... on ..., baptized in Kleinschmalkalden on 5 October (?) 1662. Godfather [Gevatter] is Hans Jorg, son of Bastian EIßENÄCHER. <XXV>

Baptism record, 5 October (?) 1662. Text: Jörg Gigengack Vatter, Hans Jorg, Bastian Eißenächers Sohn Gevatter, Kindt Hans Jörg, eodem. Source: Kirchenbuch Kleinschmalkalden 1626-1719, page 351. Picture made av. by Rick Elgin, USA. |
II.7 |
She was born in ... on ..., baptized in Kleinschmalkalden on 4 June 1665. Godmother [Gevatterin - peettante] was Osanna, wife [Hausfr.] of Caspar KÜHN.
She died ..., was buried in Kleinschmalkalden on 3 January 1720.
She was married in Kleinschmalkalden on 28 August 1689 to Hippolitus ROMMEL. <XXV> |
II.8 |
Christoph GI(E)GENGAGK
He was born in ... on ..., baptized in Kleinschmalkalden on 9 March 1668. Godfather [Gevatter] is Christoph IßLÄUBER. <XXV> |
II.9 |
Hans Diederich or Diedrich GI(E)GENGAGK
He was born in ... on ..., baptized in Kleinschmalkalden on 2 February 1673. Godfather [Gevatter] is Hanß Diederich ASCHENBACH.
He married in Kleinschmalkalden on 29 November 1699 to Dorothea ASCHENBACH.
<XXV> |
III.1 |
He was born in ... on..., baptized in Kleinschmalkalden on 17 December 1699. Godfather [Gevatter] Wolf ASCHENBACH, ... [Junggesell]. He died as a baby in Kleinschmalkalden on 29 December 1699. <XXV> |
III.2 |
He was born in ... on..., baptized in Kleinschmalkalden on 29 November 1701. Godfather [Gevatter] dessen Bruder zu Rohß (?), Georg GIEGENGACK.
He died in Kleinschmalkalden on 21 January 1770, 68 years, 6 months and 22 days old. <XXV>
Profession: charcoal maker [Köhler - ... ]. |
III.3 |
Johann Wolffgang GIEGENGACK
He was born in ... on..., baptized in Kleinschmalkalden on 9 August 1704. Godfather [Gevatter] is Joh. Wolff, son of Hanß Wilhelm WAGNER. <XXV> This could be the same person as Wolfgang Giegengack. |
III.4 |
He was born in ... on..., baptized in Kleinschmalkalden on 21 May 1714. Godfather [Gevatter] is Lorentz ASCHENBACH sax., son of Hanß Wilhelm WAGNER (or his profession is Wagner?). <XXV> |
Born in ... about 1628. Confirmation in Kleinschmalkalden at Pentecost [Pfingsten, Pinksteren] in 1642. <VIII> <XXV>
Profession: ... in Kleinschmalkalden, miller in Roßdorf [... in Kleinschmalkalden, Müller in Roßdorf]. <XXXIV>

Confirmation record, Pentecost 1642. Original text: Moritz Hannssen Giegengagks minoris Sohn.
Source: Kirchenbuch Kleinschmalkalden 1626-1719, 2+, page 175.
He was married in ... on ... to ... .
Eight children. Four of them are born in Kleinschmalkalden and four are born in Roßdorf:
1. Ursula GIEGENGACK, see below II.1.
2. Margrete GIEGENGACK, see below II.2.
3. Kathrine GIEGENGACK, see below II.3.
4. Michel GIEGENGACK, see below II.4.
5. Anastasia GIEGENGACK, see below II.5.
6. Hans Jacob GIEGENGACK, see below II.6.
7. Barbara GIEGENGACK, see below II.7.
8. Johann GIEGENGACK, see below II.8. |
II.1 |
She was born in 1652, baptized in Kleinschmalkalden on 16 November 1652. (Godmother [Gevatterin - peettante] is Ursula SAURMILCH, Hermann SAURMILCH's daughter.) <XXV>
She died in ... on 29 July 1694 (?). |
II.2 |
or Margreth GIEGENGACK
She was born in 1654. <VIII> Baptized in Kleinschmalkalden on 13 October 1654. <XXV>

Baptism record, 13 October 1654. Original German text: Moritz Geigengack Vatter, Caspar Grechen Hausfrau Margreth Gevatter, Kindt Margreth 13. October.
Source: Kirchenbuch Kleinschmalkalden 1626-1719, page 111. Picture made available by Rick Elgin, Memphis, TN, USA. |
II.3 |
She was born in 1655. <VIII> Baptized in Kleinschmalkalden on 22 December 1655. Godmother [Gevatterin - peettante] Catharin MEGDFEßELS, wife [Hausfr.] of Hanß Jorge MEGDFEßELS. <XXV> |
II.4 |
He was born in Kleinschmalkalden in 1657. Baptized in Kleinschmalkalden on 10 August 1657. Godfather [Gevatter - peetoom] is Michel, son of Hanßen ASCHENBACH. He died 63 years old and was buried in Roßdorf on ... April 1721. <XXV>
Profession: miller in Roßdorf ['Kohlbachs Müller']. <XXXIV>
Married in ... on ... to Margaretha ... . She died almost 59 years old and was buried in Roßdorf on 7 March 1719.
In a churchbook from 1695 a Michel Giegengack, a miller from
Rossdorf (about 30 km from Kleinschmalkalden), was mentioned.
He was present at the baptism of the child Konrad DELLIT in Kleinschmalkalden. <VIII>
Eleven children: |
III.1 |
Johann Adam
Born in Roßdorf in 1680. Baptized in Roßdorf on 17 November 1680. Godfather [Gevatter - peetoom] is Johann Adam, youngest son of Hansen RÖMMEL, sheep farm overseer [Schafmeister].
Profession: woodworker [Schreiner]. <XXXIV>
Married in Roßdorf on 25 April 1703 to Anna Margaretha RONAGEL, daughter of Valentini RONAGEL from Roßdorf. |
IV.1 |
Anna Margaretha
Born in Roßdorf in 1705 . Baptized in Roßdorf on 13 March 1705. Godmother is Anna Margaretha, daughter of Conrad BRAUN, brickmaker [Ziegler].
She was married in Roßdorf on 16 Juni 1728 to Hans Wolf WICHLER, ... [Wittwer]. <XXXIV> |
V.1 |
Johann Wolfgang WICHLER Jr, born in Roßdorf on 25 July 1729, he died Roßdorf 10 March 1806. (Source: Dascher Family Tree on MyHeritage.) |
V.2 |
Georg Christoph WICHLER Jr, born in Roßdorf on 14 March 1732. |
V.3 |
Johann Valentin WICHLER Jr, born in Roßdorf on 25 April 1734. |
IV.2 |
Johann Michel GIEGENGACK
Born in Roßdorf in 1709 . Baptized in Roßdorf on 14 August 1709. Godfather is Michel GIEGENGACK. He died 26 years old and was buried in Roßdorf on ... 1735. <XXXIV>
He died in the same year as his son Johan Georg. The original text of his burial record is: Johann Michael Giegengack, ejusdem Pater Freitags hernach, atatis 26 Jahr. ??? So it looks like father and son died in the same week. |
V.1 |
Born in Roßdorf in 1734. Baptized in Roßdorf on 13 December 1734. Godfather is Johann Georg TRAUTWEIN. He died 5 monts old and was buried in Roßdorf on ... May 1735. <XXXIV> |
IV.3 |
Born in Roßdorf in 1714. Baptized in Roßdorf on 14 September 1714. Godfather is Johann Adam GREBNER, butchers servant [Metzger Knecht]. <XXXIV> |
IV.4 |
Born in Roßdorf in 1720 . Baptized in Roßdorf on 26 January 1720. Godfather is Andreas GIEGENGACK. <XXXIV> |
III.2 |
She was born in Roßdorf in 1683. Baptized in Roßdorf on 25 March 1683. Godmother is Anna Barbara SIMON, wife of Johann SIMON, tailor [Schneider].
Married in Roßdorf on 18 June 1704 to Johannes SPIEGEL, ... [Junger Gesell], son of late Johansen SPIEGEL. <XXXIV>
Original German text: Michael Giegengack Müllern ein Töchterlein getauft, Gevattern Meister Johann Simons Schneiders Hausfrau, Anna Barbara. Das Kind heißt nach der Tochter. Den 25ten März. |
III.3 |
... (unknown) GIEGENGACK
She was born in Roßdorf in 1685. Baptized in Roßdorf on 11 ... 1685. Godmother is ... . <XXXIV>
Original German text: Michael Giegengacken dem Kohlbachs Müllern ein Töchterlein getauft, Gevatterin, Valentin Römfeld……..Schafmeisters Tochter Anna Martha und ….Anna Margaretha den 11ten…. |
III.4 |
Born in Roßdorf in 1687 . Baptized in Roßdorf on 24 November 1687. Godfather is Johannes GREISER, son of Georgii GREISER. He died and was buried in Roßdorf on 27 March 1688. <XXXIV> |
III.5 |
Margaretha Elisabetha
Born in Roßdorf in 1689. Baptized in Roßdorf on 3 February 1689. Godmother is Anna Margaretha KRUNING, daughter of Meister Laurentii KRUNING.
She died and was buried in Roßdorf on 17 April 1689. <XXXIV> |
III.6 |
Johann Valentin
Born in Roßdorf in 1690. Baptized in Roßdorf on 13 April 1690. Godfather is Johann Valentin BECK, ... [Huffschmidts Gesell]. He died 59 years old on 18 April 1749. He probably lived in another place than Roßdorf between 1730 and 1738.
Profession: tailor [Schneider], ... [Kramer, Handelsmann]. In 1713 he was referred to as: Meister Johann Valentin Giegengack, junger Gesell, Schneider.
Married 1) in Roßdorf on 22 February 1713 to Anna Magdalena ÖHRING, daughter of Johann Georg ÖHRING, baker of white bread [Weißbecker] from Roßdorf. Anna Magdalena probably died between 1730-1737.
Married 2)
in ... on ... (between 1734 and 1738) to Anna Margaretha ... . She was born in ... on ... 1716/1717, she died 42 years old and was buried in Roßdorf on 6 July 1759. <XXXIV>
Sixteen children. Eight children from the first marriage:
IV.1 |
Johann Heinrich GIEGENGACK
Born in Roßdorf in 1713 . Baptized in Roßdorf on 28 November 1713. Godfather is Johann Heinrich GIEGENGACK. He died 3 months old and was buried in Roßdorf on 4 March 1714. <XXXIV> |
IV.2 |
Anna Catharina GIEGENGACK
Baptized in Roßdorf on 3 January 1715. Godmother is Anna Catharina, wife of Johann Christoph GREBNER. She died 2 years old and was buried in Roßdorf on 27 June 1717. <XXXIV> |
IV.3 |
Born in Roßdorf in 1717. Baptized in Roßdorf on 6 April 1717. Godfather is Johannes LEÖFELD. He died 3 months old and was buried in Roßdorf on 6 July 1717. <XXXIV> |
IV.4 |
Born in Roßdorf in 1718. Baptized in Roßdorf on 6 June 1718. Godfather is Johann Adam SIMON. He died almost 4 years old and was buried in Roßdorf on 29 May 1722. <XXXIV> |
IV.5 |
Johann Matthaus GIEGENGACK
Born in Roßdorf in 1720. Baptized in Roßdorf on 4 October 1720. Godfather is Matthae DÜBELN, tailor [Schneider]. <XXXIV> |
IV.6 |
Born in Roßdorf in 1725. Baptized in Roßdorf on 18 April 1725. Godmother is Anna Barbara SPIEGELIN [seine Schwester]. She died 8 days old and was buried in Roßdorf on 26 April 1725. <XXXIV> |
IV.7 |
Johann Michael GIEGENGACK
Born in Roßdorf in 1726. Baptized in Roßdorf on 5 June 1726. Godfather is Michael FILLER, stocking knitter [Strumpfstricker]. He died 2 months old and was buried in Roßdorf on 11 August 1726. <XXXIV> |
IV.8 |
Anna Catharina GIEGENGACK
Born in Roßdorf in 1730. Baptized in Roßdorf on 14 September 1730. Godmother is Anna Catharina, wife of Meister Caspar WIEGAND. She died 1 year old and was buried in Roßdorf on 30 October 1731. <XXXIV> |
Eight children from the second marriage: |
IV.9 |
Born in Roßdorf in 1738. Baptized in Roßdorf on 6 January 1738. Godmother is Margaretha Abel, wife of VOLCKMAR. She died one year old and was buried in Roßdorf, ... 1739. <XXXIV> |
IV.10 |
Johann Friedrich GIEGENGACK
Born in Roßdorf in 1739. Baptized in Roßdorf on 14 February 1739. Godfather is Johann Friedrich MÖLLER. He died six months old and was buried in Roßdorf on 6 September 1739. <XXXIV> |
IV.11 |
Anna Margaretha GIEGENGACK
Born in Roßdorf in 1740 . Baptized in Roßdorf on ... June 1740. Godmother is Anna Margaretha, daughter of Valentin GIEGENGACK, tailor [Schneider]. She died 7 months old and was buried in Roßdorf 25 January 1741. <XXXIV> |
Born in Roßdorf in 1742. Baptized in Roßdorf on 18 January 1742. Godfather is Johannes SIMON, the oldest son of the school teacher from Oder. <XXXIV>
He died
in Maribo on 18 March 1830, 89 years old, buried Maribo 25 March
1830. (According to the
Maribo church register he died because of alderdom - old age.)
Profession: tailor, organist, schoolteacher [Schneider,
Organist, Lehrer - kleermaker,
organist, schoolmeester]. According to the census of
1787 he was a tailor (skræder). Later he worked as an
organist in the Sandby church.
He lived at these addresses:
Sandby (municipality) Lolland Nørre Herred Maribo Amt
Nakskov (city) year 1787 at Søndre Fjerding nr. 2
Maribo (city) year 1795 at address Mellemgade fra Torvet nr.
Johan Giegengack was engaged Våbensted 4 May 1779, and
married 1) in Våbensted, Lolland, Denmark in the Våbensted
Church on 28 May 1779 to Maria GEORG (Georgsdaughter)
on Nielstrup (housemaid on manor house Nielstrup near Sakskøbing).
Maria Georg was born in ... on ... about 1754. She died at the
day that she gave birth to their second child, in Sandby, Maribo,
Denmark on 19 June 1784, only 30 years old.
Johan Giegengack was married 2) in Nakskov, Maribo, Denmark
in the church of Nakskov on 10 June 1785 to Christiana
GRAM. She was born in ... on ... about 1761, she died
in Maribo on 29 September 1817, 56 years old, because of jaundice
[... - geelzucht],
she was buried 3 October 1817. <XIV> <XXIII>
Ten children.
One child from an unknown relatationship: |
V.1 |
Jørgen Gigengack was born in St. Løjtofte, close to Branderslev, Denmark
in about 1777. He died in ... on ... .
Researchers of the
Archive in Sakskøbing believe he is an illegitimate son
of Johannes Giegengack (2004). <XXIII>
Sources that he is Johannes Giegengacks son are delivered by Johnny Johansen (2019). <XXXVII> 

Profession: day labourer [Tagelöhner - dagloner]
Jørgen was married in ..., Denmark on ... about 1789
to Maren ROGS or KØGS.
She was born Branderslev, Maribo on ... about 1771. <XIV> <XXII>
Jørgen Gigengack's descendants
still live in Denmark nowadays.
Six children: |
VI.1 |
She was born Branderslev, Maribo, Denmark on ... 1790. <XIV> |
VI.2 |
She was born Branderslev, Maribo, Denmark on ... 1793. <XIV> |
VI.3 |
She was born Branderslev, Maribo, Denmark on ... 1796. <XIV> |
VI.4 |
... (boy) GIGENGACK, born
in Nakaskov, Branderslev, Maribo, Denmark on 9 May 1800. He
died on 11 May 1800. <XIV> |
VI.5 |
... (girl) GIGENGACK, born
in Nakaskov, Branderslev, Maribo, Denmark on 9 May 1800. She
died on 9 May 1800. <XIV> |
VI.6 |
She was born in ... on 2 March 1802, she died in Hellenes, Branderslev,
Maribo on ... March 1868.
She was married in Hellenes, Branderslev, Maribo on 2 April
1817 to Peter ANDERSEN.
Maren Kirstine is only 15 years old. Peter, a smallmann, was born in ... on ... . <XIV> <XXXVII> He died in ... on ... .
She was married 2) in Sandby Parish on 18 October 1834 to Niels
JENSEN. He was born in ... on 6 May 1794. <XIV> Profession: weaver [Weber - wever]
Children from the first marriage to Peter Andersen: |
VII.1 |
Hanne Margrethe PEDERSDATTER, born in ... on 1 June 1819, she died in ... on ... . |
VII.2 |
Anders PEDERSEN, born in ... on 20 April 1821 , he died in ... on ... . |
VII.3 |
Lorens PEDERSEN, he was born in ... on 20 July 1824, died in ... on ... . |
Children from the second marriage to Niels Jensen: |
VII.4 |
Marie NIELSEN, born in ... on 23 July 1835, died in ... on 16
March 1907. She was married in København on 31 July 1859 to Jens Herman Birch Trautvein and they had six children: 1. Julius Harald, 2. Junius Herman, 3. Joseph Henrik, 4. Maria Sophie Emilie, 5. Peter Andrew, 6. Anne Cathrine. Julie emigrated with her family to the United States. |
VII.5 |
NIELSEN, born in ... on 24 June 1838, he died Nakskov 21 January 1907. Jens married to Rasmine Christine Jochumsdatter on 5 June 1869 in the St. Nicholas Church in Nakskov (Lolland). They have five children: 1. Emma Jensine, 2. Emilie Berthine, 3 Anna Marie, 4. Anna Marie, 5 Cecilie Rasmine. |
VII.6 |
Kirstine NIELSEN, born in ... on 31 January 1842, died ... .
Maren Kirstine Nielsen was married to Jørgen
JOHANSEN. They had four children: 1. Josephine Gjertrudline Nielsen, b. København, 23 May 1866; 2. Camilla Marie Johansen Birthdate, b. 19 February 1868; 3. Peter Viggo Johansen, b. 14 May 1870; 4. Charles Rudolf Johansen, b. Nakskov, 6 May 1872.
The descendants still live
in Denmark nowadays. (According to an e-mail on Jan. 6th
'04 from Johnny Johansen from Nakskov,
Denmark, who is a descendant of Maren Kirstine Gigengack and
Niels Jensen.) |
V.2 |
Born in Sandby, Maribo, Denmark on 21 April 1782, baptized Sandby,
Maribo, Denmark on 21 April 1782, he died at the age of 80 years
in Maribo, Denmark on 5 March 1862 (at his son in law's rectory
Vadgaard, see below), he was buried in the family burial place,
Maribo, Denmark on 12 March 1862.
Profession: attendant and head clerk in post (in 1813), merchant,
bookseller [bediende en
hoofd klerk post (1813), koopman, boekenverkoper].
He was married in Toreby Church, Maribo, Denmark on 31 October
1813 to Christine
Marie KAUFMANN (From the Toreby churchbook: Christine
Marie Kaufmann was serving in Flintinge Pfarrhaus. Previous
tillysning married in Toreby Church, he who gives away the bride
and best man was mr. Merchant Lundahl and churchwarden Mr. Berthelsen
both in Maribo.) Christine Marie Kaufmann was born Maribo, Hillested,
Denmark about 1792, daughter of bookbinder Andreas August Kaufmann
(born in Riga, Latvia 14 January 1763) and wife Birgitte Lillie (born about
1756) and living in Nykøbing Falster. <XXIII> Christine Marie Kaufmann died in Nykobing Falster on 12 January
1860, buried Maribo 18 January 1860. |
Østergade nr. 29, the big
dark house on the left, in Maribo, Denmark where Valentin
Gigengack had his business. According to the Census in
Maribo 1845-1850, his address was Østergade 39. |
Two children from the marriage
of Valentin Gigengack and Christine Marie KAUFMANN: |
VI.1 |
She was born in Maribo, Hillested, Denmark on 2 August 1814,
baptized 25 September 1814 in Maribo church. She died in Maribo,
Hillested, Denmark 15 June 1822, only 8 years old, because
of brystsyge (tuberculosis?). She was buried
19 June 1822. <XXII> |
VI.2 |
She was born in Maribo, Hillested, Denmark on 4 January 1823.
She was confirmed at Easter 1835. She
died in Skads on 23 July 1857.
She was married in Maribo on 7 (or 11) August 1851 to political
writer and clergyman [Pfarrer - dominee] Casper
(Kaspar) Nicolai SMITH. He was born Sakskøbing on 9 October
1815 (or in Skads, Tønder Amt
(County), Denmark on 14 July 1816?), son of Daniel Peter SMITH and Nicoline Sophie Friis COLDING. Casper Nicolai Smith died in ... on
14 December 1891.
(Casper Nicolaij Smith married again in Budolfi, Aalborg, Denmark
on 23 November and/or 8 December 1859 to Cecilie
Margrethe KJERULFF.) <XIV> <XXII>
They had three daughters: |
VII.1 |
Kristine Marie SMITH, born in Skast, Tønder amt on 7 July 1852, she died in ... on ... . |
VII.2 |
Angelika SMITH, born in Skast, Tønder amt on 20 May 1855, she died in ... on ... . |
VII.3 |
Elisa Augusta SMITH, born in Skast, Tønder amt on 23 juli 1857, she died in ... on ... . |
V.3 |
Born in Sandby on 19 June 1784, baptized Sandby, Maribo, Denmark
on 19 June 1784. She died in ... on ... about 1849.
Married in Trinitatis, København on 30 September 1811 to Carl
Hartvig RYDER. He was born in København on 25 July 1784 <XIV> <XXIV>, son of Joachim RYDER and Eleonora Elisabeth KØBKE. Carl died in København on ... March 1857. His profession was baker and later flour merchant [bakker en later meelhandelaar].
Eight children: |
VI.1 |
Maria Cecilia Eleonora RYDER
Born in København on 15 Oct 1811,
baptized ... in Trinitatis, København 1809. <XIV> <XXIV> She died København 20 Sept 1854. |
VI.2 |
Susanne Dorothea RYDER 
Born in København on 9 April 1815,
she died in København on 20 April 1889.
Susanne Dorothea Ryder married in København on 1 June 1833 to Carl Adolph KØBKE. He was born
København on 24 December 1804. They lived at the Island Bornholm, where Carl Adolph Købke was a priest [Priester - priester] in the Ibsker parish in the years 1839-1840. Carl Adolph died Bornholm 29 December 1840.
Detail from the book 'Bornholmske Samlinger', Aage Dahl, 1961.
In the online pdf of this book we found another child of Maria Gi(e)gengack: Susanne Dorothea.
(February 2012.) |
VI.3 |
Christian Wilhelm RYDER (year of birth fits with Census 1840)
Born in København on 10 March 1816,
baptized in Trinitatis, København on 16 June 1816. He died in ... on 2 Oct 1857.
Married in Garnison, København on ... 1851 to Louise Wilhelmine HUMMEL (HOMMEL). She was born in Weisenfeldt, Germany on 21 December 1831, she died in København on 11 December 1904. <XIV> <XXIV>
Children: 1) Louise Wilhelmine RYDER, born København 26 Oct. 1850, bapt. Helligaands Kirke, Kobenhavn on 20 Dec. 1850. 2) Theodore Christian Ryder, born in København on 16 March 1852, bapt. København 16 July 1852, died in Tacoma, Pierce, Washington, USA on 17 February 1934. He was married in Stromsburg, Polk, Nebraska, USA, 27 June 1878 to Carolyn WALLIS from Land's End, Cornwall, England. 3) Agnes Cecilie Elisabeth RYDER, born København 5 June 1853, bapt. Helligaands Kirke, København on 9 September 1853, she died 6 Sep 1929. 4) Emmy Maria RYDER, born København 18 jan 1855, bapt. Helligaands Kirke, København on 20 July 1855. 5) Louisa RYDER, born København about 1856. 6) Ida Augusta Harriet RYDER, born København 14 Aug. 1856, bapt. 21 December 1856. 7) Cecilia RYDER, born/bapt. København on ... about 1858. |
VI.4 |
Conradine Welhelmine RYDER
Born in ... on ... June 1817,
baptized in Trinitatis, København on ... , bapt. Vor Frue Kirke, København on 27 July 1827.
She married in Trinitatis, København on 7 May 1853 (or Garnisons Sogn, København on 28 May 1853) to Christian August ROEPSTORFF VON FJEL(D)STRUP. He was born in Trinitatis, København, 1805. <XIV> <XXIV>
Child: Marie Hedevig Cecile FJELSTRUP, bapt. Garnisons Sogn or Den Herre Zebaoths Kirke, København on 19 November 1861. |
VI.5 |
Peter Siegfried RYDER
Born in København on 16 Aug. 1818,
baptized ... in Trinitatis, København. There is a record of the baptism of a Peter Sigfrid Carlsen, son of Carl Ryder and Marie Gigengach in Vor Frue Kirke (Church of Our Lady), Kobenhavn on 8 January 1819.
He was married in København on 24 July 1848 to Anna Dorthea Maria Ryder (geboren Husmann).
We also found a marriage of a Peter Sigfried RYDER to Maren PETERSEN in Trinitatis, Copenhagen on 21 October 1834. <XIV> <XXIV>
Children: 1) Eleonore Nielsine Petrea RYDER, bapt. Garnisons Sogn Or Den Herre Zebaoths Kirke, , Kobenhavn on 27 March 1835. 2) Wilhelmine Marie RYDER, born ?, bapt. Garnisons Sogn or Den Herre Zebaoths Kirke, , Kobenhavn on 17 February 1837. 3) Hansine Kirstine RYDER, born 13 May 1838, bapt. Trinitatis, Kobenhavn 22 June 1838. 4) Peter Kobke RYDER, born 11 June 1840, bapt. Trinitatis, København 24 June 1840. 5) Caroline Augusta RYDER, born/bapt. Trinitatis, Kobenhavn on 5 August 1847, died 14 August 1847. |
VI.6 |
Carl Joachim RYDER
Born in København on 25 June 1820, baptized in Vor Frue Kirke København on 1 September 1820. <XIV> <XXIV> He died in ... on ... 1847? |
VI.7 |
Frederik Valentin RYDER
Born in København on 11 Sep 1823 (1821?), baptized in Vor Frue Kirke København on 30 November 1821.
He married in Trinitatis, Kobenhavn on 21 Oct 1857 to Henriette Sophie Cathrine HUSMANN. She was born in København on 4 June 1836, daughter of ... . <XIV> <XXIV>, she died København 22 Sept 1890.
Children: 1) Carl Hartvig Ryder, born 12 September 1858, bapt. Trinitatis, Kobenhavn on 5 Nov. 1858. 2) Johan Christian RYDER, born København 20 March 1860, 3) Ernst Peter RYDER, born København 6 September 1862, 4) Frederik Vilhelm RYDER, born 7 June 1864, bapt. Trinitatis, Kobenhavn on 23 Sept. 1864, 5) Marie Augusta RYDER, born 4 Sept. 1866, 6) August Thorvald RYDER, born 9 Jan. 1869, 7) Thyra Antoinette RYDER, born 1 Jan 1871, 8) Axel Valdermar RYDER, born 26 March 1872, 9) Aage RYDER, born 11 Oct. 1873, 10) Einar RYDER, born 28 July 1875. |
VI.8 |
Caveline Sophie RYDER (RUDERBAGER)
Born in ... on ... 1825,
baptized in Vor Frue Kirke, København on 9 January 1825. <XIV> |
V.4 |
Born in Nakskov on 10 April 1786, baptized Nakskov, Maribo,
Denmark on 11 April 1786. He died in København on 18
June 1822.
Married ... . <XIV> |
V.5 |
... (son) GI(E)GENGACK
In Sandby, Maribo, Denmark on 18 May 1788 stillborn boy. <XIV> |
V.6 |
Born in Sandby, Maribo, Denmark on 2 May 1790, baptized Sandby,
Maribo, Denmark on 2 May 1790, she died in ... on ... . (She
lived, not married, in København in about 1830 - 1834.) |
V.7 |
He was born in Sandby, Maribo, Denmark on 19 November 1792,
baptized Sandby 22 February 1793. He died in ... on ... .
Profession: drummer [Tambour - tamboer] in the
'Falsterske Infanterie-Regiment' in Aalborg from 1805 till 1827.
Married ... . <XIV> |
V.8 |
Born in Maribo, Denmark on ... 1794, died in ... on ... .
She was married in ... on ... about 1813 to ...
V.9 |
Born in Maribo, Denmark on 5 August 1795, baptized 25 September
1795, died in Maribo on 4 October 1797. |
V.10 |
Born in Maribo on 18 November 1797, baptized 31 January 1798,
died in ... on ... .
Profession: dyer [Färber - verver] in Vordingborg
(Südseeland) in about 1830.
Married ... . |
IV.13 |
Johann Sebastian GIEGENGACK
Born in Roßdorf in 1743 . Baptized in Roßdorf on 18 April 1743. Godfather is Sebastian BIEßMANN, cooper [Böttcher - kuiper/vatenmaker]. He died three years old, in Roßdorf on 17 February 1746. <XXXIV> |
IV.14 |
Born in Roßdorf in 1744. Baptized in Roßdorf on 7 June 1744. Godfather is Lorenz ROMMEL. He died seven years old in Roßdorf on 25 August 1751. Original text: Valentin Giegengacks nachgelassenes 2tes Söhnlein Lorentz atatis 7 Jahr, 11 Tage, den 25ten August. <XXXIV> |
IV.15 |
Eva Magdalena GIEGENGACK
Born in Roßdorf in 1746. Baptized in Roßdorf on 24 January 1746. Godmother is Eva Magdalena, daughter of Johann Martin TREIßEN, (small) farmer [Gärtner].
She married in Roßdorf on 20 April 1768 to Johann Christoph THRÄN, shoemaker [Schuhmacher und Junggeselle], son of Johann THRÄN. <XXXIV> |
IV.16 |
Born in Roßdorf in 1747. Baptized in Roßdorf on 15 July 1747. Godmother is Anna Barbara, daughter of Andreas WERNEBURG. <XXXIV> |
III.7 |
Born in Roßdorf in 1692. Baptized in Roßdorf on 29 January 1692 (?). Godmother is Brigitta MÖLLER, wife of Henrich MÖLLER.
She died and was buried in Roßdorf on 22 January 1692 (?). <XXXIV> |
III.8 |
... (unknown) GIEGENGACK
She was born in Roßdorf in 1694. Baptized in Roßdorf on 7 January 1694. Godmother is ... . <XXXIV>
Original German text: Michel Giegengacken, Kohlbachs Möllern, ein Töchterlein getauft, Gevatter Johann Henrich Volckmar, das Kind heißt nach dem Paten, den 7ten Januar. |
III.9 |
Born in Roßdorf in 1696 . Baptized in Roßdorf on 27 June 1696. Godfather is Johannes TRAUTWEIN. <XXXIV> |
III.10 |
Born in Roßdorf in 1700. Baptized in Roßdorf on 14 September 1700. Godfather is Johannes BASTHEIMER. He died almost 14 years old and was buried in Roßdorf on 7 August 1714. <XXXIV> |
III.11 |
Johann Wolfgang
Born in Roßdorf in 1704. Baptized in Roßdorf on 23 September 1704. Godfather is Johann Wolfgang LAUTERBACH. He died 1 year old and was buried in Roßdorf on 17 January 1706. <XXXIV> |
II.5 |
Born in Roßdorf in 1660. Baptized in Roßdorf on 23 June 1660. Godmother [Gevatter - peettante] is Anastasia M. E….. Pfarrers Hausfrau. <XXXIV>
Anastasia Gigengack was married in Stadtlengsfeld on 5 February 1684 to Jacob RUDOLPH, he was born in ... on ..., son of ... and ... .
Jacob Rudolph died in Stadtlengsfeld on ... 1732.
III.1 |
Johann Conrad RUDOLPH
Born in Stadtlengsfeld on ... 1683, baptized in Stadtlengsfeld on 17 November 1683.
He died, 76 years old, in Stadtlengsfeld on on 31 December 1759, buried Stadtlengsfeld 2 January 1760.
Profession: ... [Zeugmacher und Braumeister.]
Married in Stadtlengsfeld on 27 October 1711 to Anna Margarete GLOCK, born ..., she died Stadtlengsfeld 11 April 1766. One daughter from this marriage: Anna Sidonia Rudolph (1724-1784). Anna Sidonia was married Lengsfeld, 1744 to Johannes XYLANDER (1725-1802), miller [Müller]. One child: Catharina Elisabetha XYLANDER (1751-1977). <Source: Karin Wagner> |
II.6 |
Hans Jacob
or Johann Jacob GIEGENGACK
Born in Roßdorf in 1661. Baptized in Roßdorf on 6 October 1661. Godfather [Gevatter - peetoom] is Hans Jacob LAUTERBACH. He died 52 years old and was buried in Roßdorf on 25 February 1714. <XXXIV>
Profession: carpenter, woodturner [Zimmermann, Drechsler].
Married in ... on ... to ... .
(Hans Jacob Giegengack is the same person as the one referred to in later records as Johann Jacob Giegengack, according to age mentioned in the burial record.)
Four children:
1. Margaretha Elisabetha
GIEGENGACK, see below III.1.
2. Anna Catharina
GIEGENGACK, see below III.2.
3. Johann Valentin
GIEGENGACK, see below III.3.
4. (Johann) Valentin
GIEGENGACK junior, see below III.4.
III.1 |
Margaretha Elisabetha
Born in Roßdorf in 1694. Baptized in Roßdorf on 5 August 1694. Godmother is Margaretha, Michael Giegengacks wife.
III.2 |
Anna Catharina
Born in Roßdorf in about 1697. She died 7 years old, and was buried in Roßdorf on 21 April 1704.
III.3 |
Johann Valentin
Born in Roßdorf in 1700. Baptized in Roßdorf on 6 July 1700. Godfather [Gevatter - peetoom] is Valentin GREBNER. He died and was buried in Roßdorf on 9 April 1704. <XXXIV> |
III.4 |
(Johann) Valentin
Born in Roßdorf in 1705. Baptized in Roßdorf on 18 July 1705. Godfather [Gevatter - peetoom] is Valentin ROMMEL. He died 61 years old in Roßdorf on 11 February 1766.
Profession: tailor [Schneider].
Married 1) in Roßdorf on 10 November 1728 to Maria Amalia Susanna
GRATZEN, daughter of late Johann GRATZEN. She was born about 1708.
Married 2) in Roßdorf on 1 July 1755 to Anna Margaretha Ww. STEINBRECHER (nee?). <XXXIV>
Three children from the first marriage (no children from the second marriage):
1. Anna Margaretha GIEGENGACK, see below IV.1.
2. Johann Adam GIEGENGACK, see below IV.2.
3. Susanna Catharina GIEGENGACK, see below IV.3. |
IV.1 |
Anna Margaretha
Born in Roßdorf in 1729. Baptized in Roßdorf on 4 October 1729. Godmother is Anna Margaretha, wife of Hans Wolf WICHLER. <XXXIV> |
IV.2 |
Johann Adam
Born in Roßdorf in 1731. Baptized in Roßdorf on 25 January 1731. Godfather is Johann Adam ..., son of the mayor (Schultheiß = mayor or executive official of the ruler) of Bernshausen, close to Urnshausen [des "Berndshäuser" Schultheisen Sohn, Johann Adam].
Profession: ..., tailor [Mühlenschneider, Schneider]. He died 72 years old in Roßdorf on 9 March 1803.
Married 1) to Anna Margaretha ... .
Married 2) in Roßdorf 20 May 1760 to Eva Elisabeth EICHEL, daughter of Johann EICHEL. She was born in ... on ... , she died 73 years old in Roßdorf on 24 May 1809. Original text: Johann Adam Giegengack, Schneider und Witwer und Jungfer Eva Elisabeth Eichelin, Johann Eichels Hochadligen Wechmarischen Jägers 3te Tochter, den 20ten Mai. <XXXIV>
Four children from the first marriage (no children from the second marriage):
1. Johann Valentin GIEGENGACK, see below V.1.
2. Susanna Catharina GIEGENGACK, see below V.2.
3. Anna Margaretha GIEGENGACK, see below V.3.
4. Anna Barbara GIEGENGACK, see below V.4. |
Engagement document from 1779 saying:
Valentin Giegengack, Unter- Offic. bey der Nord. Leibreg. 8ten Mousq. Comp. Maria Eleonora Bieserin (cath.)
Tester Joh. Meyer Com. Serg. v. d. (?) Mousq. Comp. des Nord. Reg. Joh. Conrad Bieser. d. Braut- vater, Pensionist; ? Hause verl.: d.17 Septbr. Cop: d.7 Jan. 80
Source: Johnny Johansen. |
Johann Valentin
Johann Valentin was born in Roßdorf, Thüringen in March 1750. Baptized in Roßdorf on 26 March 1750. Godfather is Johann Valentin WICHLER, youngest son of late Johann Wolf WICHLER. <XXXIV>
He died in the Fredriks Hospital in København (Copenhagen),
Denmark on 4 February 1798.
Profession: Johann Valentin Giegengack was a tailor (like his father)
and later he became a soldier/sergeant [Schneider,
Soldat/Sergeant -
kleermaker, soldaat/sergeant].
Johann Valentin Giegengack, a tailor (like his father), was a soldier in the German city of Zerbst, close to Magdeburg, Sachsen-Anhalt. (During that time Zerbst was under the rule of Prince Friedrich August of Anhalt-Zerbst, brother of Catherine the Great. He had a great liking for the military profession. But in 1777-'78 without scruples he sold 600 men - two regiments - of his Jeverane and Zerb citizens as soldiers to England, that then for the first time waged war in its rebellious colony in North America. Already during transit to America it came to heavy losses of soldiers. Also many soldiers tried to desert.)
In 1771 Johann Valentin was in Oldenburg (Northern Germany,
but from 1667 to 1773 under Danish government) recruited by
a certain sergeant Pedersen for military service in Denmark.
On 7 August 1771 he joined the 'Norsk Livregiment'. On 17 July
1772 he became a Corporal. In 1787 he is Com. Sergeant in the
Kgl. Norske Livregiment 7th Musketerkompagni in København.
On 21 May 1780 he became Sergeant. On 2 June 1793 Corporal again
(reason unknown). At the time of his death he was a member of
the 'Norske Livregiment', Capitain von Gyldenfeldt Kompagnie,
stationed at the Sølvgades Kaserne in København.
Johann Valentin engaged in København (Copenhagen) on 17 September 1779 and married in København
on 7 January 1780 to Maria
Eleonora BIESERIN. She was born in København (Copenhagen), Denmark in January 1749, baptized there
on 17 January 1749,
daughter of Joh. Conrad BIESER and Maria Elis MULLERS. Maria Eleonora died in ... on ... 1796. <XIV>
They had six children. In the census [volkstelling]
of 1787 only the third child Johanne Elisabeth is mentioned.
From this we conclude that the first two children died before
or in 1787.
Six children:
1. Johan Conrad GI(E)GENGACK, see
below: VI.1.
2. Christiana Elisabeth GI(E)GENGACK, see
below: VI.2.
3. Johanne Elisabeth GIEGENGACK, see
below: VI.3.
4. Johan Christian GIEGENGACK, see
below: VI.4.
5. Wilhelm Friederich GIEGENGACK, see
below: VI.5.
6. Friederich Wilhelm GIEGENGACK, see
below: VI.6. |
VI.1 |
Born in ... on .. .. 1780. He was baptized in Garnison, København,
Denmark on 14 November 1780. Probably
died young. <XIV>

Baptism record, 1780. Original text: J. Valentin Giegengak ???
Johan Conrad
Source: Garnisons parish Enesteministerialbog 1772-1797 København stad København County, page 220. |
VI.2 |
Elisabeth GI(E)GENGACK
Born in ... on .. .. 1782. She was baptized in Garnison, København,
Denmark on 4 August 1782. Probably
died young. <XIV> |
VI.3 |
Born in ... on .. .. 1785. She was baptized in Frederiks tyske
(the German Friedrichs Kirche), København, Denmark on
7 October 1785.
When Johanne Elisabeth was about 13 years old, both her parents
had already died. At 16 years old, Johanne Elisabeth worked
and lived as a servant girl [dienstmeisje]
in the household of widow Johanne Sophie VOGT in København
(Staden) at the address Strand Kvarter, Matr. 19, household-/family
no. 84 (census
of 1801). |
NL |
Garnisons Kirke in København where Johan Christian
was baptized.
Photo by Tove Krog |
The Garrison Church stands on Sankt Annæ Plads, not far from Amalienborg, the residence of the royal family. It was completed in 1706 and built to replace the Chapel of Sophie Amalienborg's Castle where the Copenhagen garrison had attended church since 1689. The interior is dominated by two-storey galleries along the walls. The impressive baroque altar-piece of marble was completed in 1724 by the sculptors Just Wiedewelt and Didrik Gercken. |
of the Dutch Branches and the Bocholt Branch.
Johan Christian Giegengack was born in København, Denmark
on 23 September 1788. He was baptized in Garnisons Kirke, København,
Denmark on 28 September 1788. Johan Christian left Denmark between
1826 and 1828 and settled down in the Netherlands.
He died
73 years old in Zutphen, the Netherlands on 7 October 1861.
Profession: musician (also in the army?), pedlar, tailor [Spielmann, Schneider, Potkrämer - speelman, muzikant, kleermaker, marskramer]. Johan Christian Gigengack is mentioned to be a tailor in 1846 and 1852.
At the age of about 10 years old, both his parents had already
died. We have information that Johan Christian and his little
brother Friederich Wilhelm lived in an orphan house (Vaisenhuset)
for a short period of time. When he was 13 years old, Johan
Christian lived together with his brother with the family of
Christopher BERENTZ and his wife Anne Dorothea KRABE in Sankt
Annæ Vester Kvarter, København. (Census 1801. <XXIV>)
Johan Christian, about 25 years old, was married in ... on ... to Maria
Wilhelmina MENTING. She was born in Rhede (Westfalen, Germany) on 13 August
1791, daughter of Jacob
MENTING and Elisabeth
SICKING. She was baptized in the Catholic parish church 'St. Gudula 'in Rhede on August 14, 1791. Maria died at the age of 71 years in Zutphen on 7 August 1863. <XIV>
Profession: seamstress
[Näherin - naaister].
In 2019 we received information suggesting that Johan Christian got to know his wife because of her father's profession. Jacob Menting (1746 - 1808) was a potter in Rhede. He probably supplied the products that Johan Christian needed to trade with. Maria Wilhelmina's profession, by the way, was a seamstress, which again fitted in well with Johan Christian's last profession, namely that of a tailor (source: Georg Menting, Lippstadt). <XXXVI>
Ten children from this marriage:
1. Anna Dorothea
Elisabeth GIGENGACK, see
below: VII.1
2. Frederika Carliena GIGENGACK, see
below: VII.2
3. Johan Jacob GIGENGACK (Bocholt Branch), see
below: VII.3
4. Maria Theresia Eleonora GIGENGACK, see
below: VII.4
5. Georg Fredrich Waldemar GIGENGACK, see
below: VII.5
6. Josephine Wilhelmine GIGENGACK, see
below: VII.6
7. Fredrich Ferdinand GIGENGACK (Hengelo Branch), see
below: VII.7
8. Christiaan Bernardus Hendricus
GIGENGACK (Haarlem Branch), see
below: VII.8
9. Wilhelm Valentijn GIGENGACK (Amsterdam Branch), see
below: VII.9
10. Maria Rosalia GIGENGACK, see
below: VII.10 |
VII.1 |
Linde is between Vorden, Ruurlo and Hengelo (Gelderland). |
Dorothea Elisabeth GIGENGACK
She was born in Nienburg, Hannover, Germany on 10 July 1814. She died
71 years old in Linde (Vorden), the Netherlands on 22 July 1885. Not married.
Profession: seamstress [Näherin - naaister]
Anna and her sister Frederika moved to Hengelo Gld. in 1844. They settled in Vorden on farmhouse ‘de Knevelshut’ (nowadays Hamsveldseweg 12, Vorden) on 31 August 1864.
Later on they lived in the 'Kamer'-part of the farmhouse 'Klein Onstein', Onsteinseweg 13 in Linde (Vorden).
VII.2 |
She was born in Duderstadt, Germany on 12 March 1817, she died at the age of 53 years
in Linde (Vorden), the Netherlands on 16 April 1870. Not married.
Profession: seamstress [Näherin - naaister]
Frederika and her sister Anna moved to Hengelo Gld. in 1844. They settled in Vorden on farmhouse ‘de Knevelshut’ (nowadays Hamsveldseweg 12, Vorden) on 31 August 1864.
Later on they lived in the 'Kamer'-part of the farmhouse 'Klein Onstein', Onsteinseweg 13 in Linde (Vorden).
VII.3 |
of the Bocholt (Germany) Branch.
He was born in København, Denmark on 28 December 1818.
He died in Bocholt, Germany on 5 June 1893.
Profession: dyer [Färber - verver]
Married 1) in Bocholt on 13 February 1847 to Hendrika GILDEHAUS.
She was born as Henrina Gildhaus in Bocholt on 29 November 1821.
She died ... . Two children from this marriage.
Married 2) in Bocholt on 21 September 1852 to Josephine HÜLS.
She was born in Bocholt on 2 December 1818. She died ... . <XIV>.
Six children. Two children from the first marriage, to Hendrika
1. Johannes Hermann GIGENGACK
2. Joseph Christian GIGENGACK
Four children from the second marriage, to Josephine Hüls:
3. Johann Anton GIGENGACK
4. Anna Christina GIGENGACK
5. Maria Christina GIGENGACK
6. Fredrich Josef GIGENGACK
> TO
the descendants of Johan Jacob Gigengack). |
VII.4 |
Theresia Eleonora GIGENGACK
She was born in Prinsessegade, Christianshavn, København, Denmark on 28 April 1821.
Baptized Frederiks tyske, København, Denmark on 13 May
1821. She died in Zutphen on 12 January 1900, 78 years old.
She was married in Zutphen, 24 June 1846 to Theodorus
ROES, profession: smith [Eisenschmied - smid]. He was born in Breedenbroek on 22 October 1810, baptized in Ulft, son of Antonius
ROES and Joanna DE WIT. He died in Zutphen on 5 July 1880. <XIV> <XIX> <XXVIII>
Ten children: |
VIII.1 |
Johannes ROES, born on 19 March 1847. Johannes died on 1 June 1868 in Zutphen, 21 years old. Not married. <XXVIII> |
VIII.2 |
Maria ROES, born on 17 July 1848. Married Zutphen 10 Sept. 1873 to Antonius W.M. Meuleman. <XXVIII> |
VIII.3 |
Johanna ROES, born on 20 June 1850. Johanna died in Zutphen on 27 June 1850, 7 days old. <XXVIII> |
VIII.4 |
Theresia ROES, born on 25 August 1851. Theresia died in Zutphen on 15 June 1895, 43 years old. Not married. <XXVIII> |
VIII.5 |
Joanna ROES, born in Zutphen on 22 November 1853. Joanna died in Zutphen on 14 October 1915, 61 years old. Married Zutphen 21 Jan. 1881 to Johannes (Jan) WITJES. <XXVIII> |
VIII.6 |
Elisabeth ROES, born on 19 December 1855. Elisabeth died in Zutphen on 9 May 1883, 27 years old. Not married.
VIII.7 |
Josephina ROES, born in Zutphen on 14 November 1857. Josephina died in Zutphen on 10 January 1890, 32 years old.
(Declaration of death is given in Enschede on 16 January 1890.) Profession: ... [winkelbediende te Enschede]. <XXVIII> |
VIII.8 |
Antonius ROES, born on 10 March 1860. Antonius died in Zutphen on 8 March 1908, 47 years old.
Not married. <XXVIII> |
VIII.9 |
Theodora ROES, born on 6 March 1863. Theodora died in Zutphen on 10 December 1863, 9 months old. <XXVIII> |
VIII.10 |
Helena ROES, born in ... on 9 October 1864. Helena died in Zutphen on 29 June 1866, 1 year old. <XXVIII> |
VII.5 |
Fredrich Waldemar GIGENGACK
He was born in København, Denmark on
30 June 1822, he was baptized in Frederiks tyske, København,
Denmark on 20 July 1822. He lived in Zutphen (1863). He died in Arnhem, the Netherlands
on 24 June 1882, 59 years old. <XIX>
Profession: ... [... - kunstverwer in Zutphen (1863), nachtstoker]
Over het werk van nachtstoker bij de spoorwegen: nachtstoker Cornelis Thijsenbaart (55 jaar): "Van 's avonds half 8 tot 's morgens 6 uur, het gansche jaar door. Wij zijn met ons beiden, en hebben 8 machines te onderhouden, stoom te maken, enz. Mijn loon is 35 stuivers per nacht, ook des Zondags, ik ben nooit vrij. Alleen heb ik 8 dagen vrij in het jaar als ik geen straf heb opgeloopen.' Mijn kameraad, een man van 40 jaar, klaagt dikwijls over borst en keel wegens stof, vuil en rook." <uit: de Enquete 1890, I 82> |
VII.6 |
Wilhelmine GIGENGACK
She was born in København, Denmark on 4 October 1823
and baptized in Frederiks tyske, København, Denmark on
25 January 1824. She died København, Denmark 14 September
1824. Buried Frederiks tyske, København, Denmark on 17
September 1824. <XIV> |
VII.7 |
Tyske kirke in København where Fredrich Ferdinand
was baptized. Since 1894 the church is called the Christians
(Detail from a painting by Emanuel Larsen, 1850.) |
Around 1700 many foreigners
lived in the Christianshavn area in Copenhagen, especially
Germans, and in 1749 the German congregation applied to
the king, Frederik V, for permission to build their own
church. Permission was granted, and 'Frederik's German
church' was erected in 1759, having been designed by Nicolai
Eigtved. |
Forefather of the Hengelo Branch.
He was born in København, Denmark on 30 November 1825,
he was baptized in Frederiks Tyske, København, Denmark
on 29 January 1826. He died in Zutphen on 25 December 1875.
Profession: ... [kramer (1852), kermisexploitant].
Kermis (Dutch) is an annual country fair or festival used to
be held in the Netherlands and northern Germany.
He was married in Zutphen on 4 February 1852 to Anna Maria Catharina
COLIGNON (KOLIGNON). She was born in Franeker, the Netherlands
on 31 July 1832, daughter of Johan COLIGNON and Maria BELLEFROID. <XIV>
They have two children:
1. Maria Willemina GIGENGACK
Johannes Ferdinand GIGENGACK
> TO
the descendants of Fredrich Ferdinand Gigengack). |
VII.8 |
Bernardus Hendricus GIGENGACK |
Bernardus Hendricus GIGENGACK
of the Haarlem Branch.
He was born in Aalten, the Netherlands on 23 October 1828. He
died in Haarlem, the Netherlands on 9 July 1896.
Profession: ... [koopman,
katoendrukker, winkelbeheerder].
He was married in Haarlem on 12 November 1862 to Wilhelmina
BOTTELIER. She was born in Haarlem on 13 May 1839, daughter
of Paulus BOTTELIER and Johanna Petronella KRENER.
Wilhelmina died Haarlem 26 April 1917. <XIV> <XX>
Ten children from this marriage:
1. Christiaan Bernardus Hendricus GIGENGACK
2. Paulus Johannes Wilhelmus GIGENGACK
3. Wilhelmus Johannes Petrus GIGENGACK
4. Johannes Frederik Valentijn GIGENGACK
5. Aloysius Lourentius Ferdinand GIGENGACK
6. George Hugo Franciscus GIGENGACK
7. Theodorus Hubertus Jacobes GIGENGACK
8. Theodora Wilhelmina GIGENGACK
9. Johanna Petronella GIGENGACK
10. Eduard Nemesius GIGENGACK
> TO
the descendants of Christiaan Bernardus Hendricus Gigengack). |
VII.9 |
Valentijn GIGENGACK |
Forefather of the Amsterdam Branch.
He was born in Aalten, the Netherlands on 12 August 1831. He
died 86 years old in Zutphen on 26 April 1918.
Profession: ... [blauwverver in 1861-1863, metaalbewerker, koopman in 1877-1891].
He was married 1) in Zutphen on 1 May 1861 to Margaretha Johanna
LEUSINK, 29 years old. She was born in Vollenhove on ... , daughter of Hendrikus
Johannes LEUSINK and Theodora STROO(T)HUIS. Margretha Johanna Leusink died, 31 years old, in Zutphen on 2 August 1863.
Married 2) in Zutphen on 9 December 1863 to Aleida Christina
SCHROLL, 22 yrs old. She was born Zutphen on ... 1842, daughter of Reinerus
Hubertus SCHROLL and Reiniera HOEGEN. Aleida Schroll died in Zutphen on 11 December 1876, at the age of 35, two weeks after the birth of her daughter Johanna Theodora.
Married 3) in Zutphen on 6 June 1877 to Geertruida KOLENBRANDER, 50 yrs old.
She was born in Zutphen on 23 July 1826, daughter of Hendrikus KOLENBRANDER
and Margaretha MEEUWSEN. Geertruida Kolenbrander died in Zutphen on 15 July 1890 at the age of 63 years.
Wilhelm Valentijn grew up in Zutphen, lived in Enschede and
Hengelo for a while and went back to Zutphen. <XIX>
Six children:
2. Reinira Sebastiana GIGENGACK
3. Christiaan Bernardus GIGENGACK
4. Johannes GIGENGACK
5. Sebastianus GIGENGACK
6. Johanna Theodora GIGENGACK
> TO
the descendants of Wilhelm Valentijn Gigengack). |
VII.10 |
She was born in Aalten on 3 September 1835. She died in Haarlem
on 6 May 1920.
She lived in both Amsterdam and Haarlem.
Profession: ... [dienstbode].
Not married. |
VI.5 |
Wilhelm Friederich
Born 1789. |
VI.6 |
Friedrich Wilhelm
Born in Frederiks tyske, København, Denmark on 2 Sep
1792. He was baptized in Frederiks tyske, København,
Denmark on 16 September 1792. <XIV>
At the age of about 6 years old, both his parents had already
died. We have information that Friederich Wilhelm and his brother Johan
Christian lived in an orphan house (Vaisenhuset) for a short
period of time. When he was 9 years old, he lived together with
his brother Johan Christian with the family of Christopher BERENTZ
and his wife Anne Dorothea KRABE in Sankt Annæ Vester
Kvarter, København. (Census 1801. <XXIV>) |
V.2 |
Susanna Catharina
Born in Roßdorf in 1752. Baptized in Roßdorf on 23 November 1752. Godmother is Susanna Catharina GIEGENGACK, sister of the father. <XXXIV> |
V.3 |
Anna Margaretha
Born in Roßdorf in 1755. Baptized in Roßdorf on 6 December 1755. Godmother is Anna Margaretha GIEGENGACK, stepdaughter [Stieftochter] of the father. <XXXIV> |
V.4 |
Anna Barbara
Born and baptized in Roßdorf on 7 April 1758. Godmother is Anna Barbara RÖDER. <XXXIV> |
IV.3 |
Susanna Catharina
Born in Roßdorf in 1734. Baptized in Roßdorf on 7 July 1734. Godmother is Susanna Catharina ILING (from the town Langenfeld). Susanna died in Roßdorf 5 September 1770.
Susanna Catharina was godmother at the baptism in 1752 of Susanna Catharina, daughter of her brother Johann Adam Giegengack.
She was married in Roßdorf on 28 January 1753 to Johann Friedrich GREBNER. He was born in Roßdorf on 8 April 1729, son of Johann Adam GREBNER and Anna Margaretha MÖLLER.
Children: |
V.4 |
Johann Valentin GREBNER
Born in Roßdorf on 15 February 1758. He died in Roßdorf on 24 January 1835. |
II.7 |
Born in Roßdorf in 1664. Baptized in Roßdorf on 19 March 1664. Godmother is Barbara, Valten SIMONs daughter. <XXXIV>
II.8 |
Born in Roßdorf in 1666. Baptized in Roßdorf on 1 January 1667. Godfather is Johannes, Michaeln Volckmars t.p. Wechmarischen Hoffbauers Sohn, lediger Gesell. <XXXIV>
I.3 |
Born in ... on ... . He died in Kleinschmalkalden on 13 May 1640. <XXV> |
I.4 |
Born in ... about 1639. He died in 1646, buried in Kleinschmalkalden at Easter Monday 1646.

Original text: Anno 1646, Valtin Hannssen Giegengagks minoris Söhnlein im ? Wasser ertruncken
alt 7 Jahr, Ostermontag begraben worden.
Source: Kirchenbuch Kleinschmalkalden 1626-1719, 1+, page 66. Picture made available by Rick Elgin, Memphis, TN, USA. |
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